Helllllllo World!

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Jay: Hi!!! Uh... I'm so lonely... Cole won't be here today because he's sick. He has the flu... More like the stomach flu... Cole puked all over his bed last night... It was gross but hey, it happens... I'm worried about Cole... He was crying after he puked. He was holding his stomach and crying. Tears falling down his cheeks.

I felt really bad so I jumped off my bed, since I sleep on the top. Then ran to him. Hugged him, rubbed his back. Cole was crying in my arms. I felt warm tears on my shoulders. I whispered to him... Everything will be ok... You'll be fine... So anyways Cole started to calm down and fell asleep in my arms.

I sighed in relief at least he isn't crying anymore. I hate to see him cry. Even though we fight a lot, I still care for him. So anyways Zane and Kai cleaned Cole's bed. While I had to help Cole to the couch in the living room.

So Cole wouldn't go to sleep. He told me couldn't sleep. So I just sat on the recliner and watched him. He was trying to fall asleep. He had his eyes shut. But he just couldn't fall asleep. I left a trash can next to him just in case.

I sighed and looked at Cole. He noticed I was looking at him so he turned to look at me. I chuckled. Then I told him to count to six slowly. Cole was confused but he did it anyways. He fell asleep on the number three.

Hours later... Like two hours later. Cole puked again. Good thing I left that trash can there too. He threw up in the trash can. It took him five minutes to fall back asleep without gagging. 

An hour later I heard Cole crying. I woke up and was right he was on the couch sitting up, holding his stomach and crying in pain. He told me his stomach hurts really badly.

I then grabbed some medicine and gave it to him. He took it and was just quiet but by the look in his eyes, I could tell and see that he's still in pain. Medicine doesn't work quickly. It takes time which I hate about.

So anyways Cole and I watched a movie. I decided if we watched a movie Cole likes to watch then he'll forget about his stomach pain. Half of the movie Cole fell asleep. Thank goodness, he needs his rest.

Then at the end of the movie I fell asleep too... So right now Cole is in the room on his bed asleep.  This isn't the same without him... *sighs sadly*

Anyways! Uh... So... Here's a video! Enjoy! 👇

Omg! I just love this video! Me and Cole watch this 24/7!! Lol. I really enjoyed this video. Hope you guys liked it.

Another video... 👇


Here's a picture! 👇

Aw! This is Sooooooooooooooooooo cute!!!!! Adorable! I love it! Lol it's LloydFan profile picture!!! XD 

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Aw! This is Sooooooooooooooooooo cute!!!!! Adorable! I love it! Lol it's LloydFan profile picture!!! XD 

I always wondered... What does Cole have in his hands?... I should ask him later...

Well... Uh... I... Uh... *sighs* This isn't the same without him... Why did Cole get sick?! I wish it was Kai! How come not Kai!? I mean he does deserve something!! For bulling my little baby sister!!!

So... Uh... I uh... Yeah that's it! I'm going to leave now because... I'm going to take care of Cole. He needs me!!! I'm sorry! I'll see you guys later! Don't forget to vote and comment! Bye! See ya!

~Jay Walker 💙

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