Chapter 10

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After the shower, Marinette headed toward the dining room. But, unfortunately for her, she passed the basement door. Memories of the deaths that happened in there come rushing back as a flood. She felt as though heavy chains had been put on her heart and pulled to the point it shattered. Tears welding up in her eyes, she went to the dining room and ate. As she ate, she remembered what her parents asked of her.

Marinette Dupain-Cheng!! You listen to me young lady. I don't care if I die. I really don't. But you do me a favor. As soon as you have the chance, you run! You run away from this place. You leave Paris and you go to China.

You know all our account passwords and pins. You'll be able to buy a plane ticket, and leave.

She was so caught up in her thoughts, she didn't hear Chat come into the room.

"Princess?" Marinette jolted and looked at Chat.

"Oh, hey Chat."

"Are you okay? You seemed a bit... out there."

"I was just thinking, Kitty."

"Oh? About what?"

"You~" Marinette lied. If she told him she was thinking about something her parents said, he would want to know.

"Oh really?" Chat smirked and leaned towards her face. "What about me?"

"I was thinking about this." Before Chat could ask what Marinette closed the space between them. She put her hands on his cheeks and kissed him passionately. Chat kissed back and laid her on the table. Chat moved his kiss to Mari's neck and looked for her sweet spot. When he found it, he abused it to no compare. Marinette moaned.

Mari's POV

He found my sweet spot and now he won't stop.

I moan. "Chat~"

This works perfectly with my plan. Maman and Papa taught me things I can use greatly.

Chat stopped. "Sorry, Princess, but I have to search for Ladybug." He made quotation signs when he said, "search". It's cause he already knows I'm Ladybug, but Hawkmoth doesn't. (wink, wink) Chat left and I finished eating. I went in the fridge and got an apple. Then I went to the basement and saw my parents and Alya, covered in dried up blood. I wet a cloth with water and wipe up the blood. My parents and best friend may be dead, but the deserve to at least be clean. I went into Chat's room, which he forgot to lock, and looked around to see if I could find any clue as to how I can purify Chat.

"Tikki? Tikki, are you here??"

"Marinette? Marinette!!" My kwami flew over to me and hugged my cheek. "What are you doing here?"

"I wanted to see if I could find a way to get the akuma out of Chat."

"Oh. Well, Chat detransforms after an hour of sleep, so I'm able to talk to his kwami, Plagg."

"You've seen him detransformed?? Who is he???"

"I can't tell you. Sorry, but Plagg says the akuma landed in his heart after you rejected him."

"Oh..." I can't believe it! I've never had to purify a heart. And neither has it been someone as close as Chat!! "How do I purify his heart, then?"

Tikki became so sad, so fast. "You have to either kill him..."

"WHAT?!?! I CAN'T KILL HIM!!" There was no way in hell I'd ever kill Chat.

"You didn't let me finish. You can either kill him, or help him fight the akuma."

My god!! This was too much to handle. "Mari, you need to go! Chat will be here soon!! Plagg just told me he was on his way back!!"

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