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My parents have been divorced for awhile now. Ever since I started staying with my mom instead of my dad I've cried less, and not stressed as much.

I wasn't too happy with my dad after the divorce, its not like it was his fault but he did change. He had a new wife, new step kids.. A new life.

Until I met his step son, aka my step brother. My life may have been changing too.


"Good morning honey." My mom said hovering over me. I groaned of exhaustment. "Have you gotten a text from your father yet?" She asked. "I don't know, why would I?" I question, picking up my phone. I scroll down my notifications I missed from the night before and saw a text Icon from "Dad". Little did I know how much this text would change me.

"Me, Alexandra and her two sons are going to the Bahamas for a few days to start off the summer, I bought you a plane ticket to come.." I felt so much joy inside, but yet I was frightened. I didn't know If my dad was going to give me some big talk about our relationship or not. Trust me, I've had way too much of those.

"Never mind, I got it.." I said looking up at my mom who was not sitting on my bed. "So, are you going to go?" She looked at me. "I guess.. I don't know." I sighed. "Dad and I aren't on good terms, I'd rather just fix all of this." I said. My mom nodded and pulled out my large grey suitcase from my closet. I set my phone down and stood up. "He said he was going to meet you at the airport at 8, better get packing." She said unzipping the suit case. I agreed and watched her exit my room.

How bad could it be? Even if we don't fix things between us, its a free trip to the Bahamas. I looked at through my closet and found a few loose crop tops and packed it down. I also packed a few bikinis for each day. Hey, there could be some hot guys on the beach!

I'd realize since it was usually always freezing here in Colorado that I only had a few short sleeve shirts. And the only time I got near water was showering and taking a dip in the hot tub.

It was time I treat myself and went to the mall.

"Hey Kirsten, I can pick you up in 10 if you're down to go to the mall?"

Kirsten is one of my closest friends, shes like a sister to me. I've told her everything about my life, including my dad. She's been a big help on advise and company these past few years.

I pulled up to her house. "Hey!" I smiled. I hadn't seen her since school got out. "Hey, I've missed you!" We side hug and drive off to the mall.

"So, you know my dad?" I asked looking through shirts on a rack. "Of course." She replies looking up from the rack. "Well, He bought me a ticket to go to the Bahamas with him and his new family." I sighed. "Oh my gosh, are you going?" She spoke. "Yeah, I guess." I murmured. "You haven't seen him in so long." She announced. "I know, that's why its going to be so awkward." I fake laughed. "Just be nice to him, maybe he's changed.." She shrugs. "What? I'm not nice?" I joke. "No, you're so mean!" She replies. We both laugh and continue our shopping day.

"How does this look?" I ask coming out and wearing a very cheeky bikini. "Sexy, but really sexy." She says checking it out. "You're going to be getting so much dick in the Bahamas if you wear that." She said. "So, exactly what I'm looking for!" I laugh. I throw it off in the dressing room and put my clothes back on. I turn on my phone and noticed how late it was getting "10:01 pm" My phone screen said. "We better head home." I said remembering how early I have to wake up. She agrees and we head to the car.

"Thanks for today, it was fun!" Kirsten smiled. She grabbed her two bags from the mall and stepped out. "Bye!" I smiled. "Good luck this week!" She said sweetly. I waved and drove off. I definitely wish she could come with me, it wouldn't be as scary.

I unlocked the front door and headed upstairs to my room. I removed the tags off my new clothes and set it in my suit case. I'd finished packing.

I threw off my clothes from today and put on something to sleep in. I wasn't prepared for tomorrow.

"Beep, beep, beep, bee-!" I turned off my alarm for 6:30 am. I grabbed my comb from my night stand and brushed my hair. I picked out a comfortable outfit of sweatpants and a tee. I was ready to go. "Ready to head to the airport?" My mom peaked her head through my door. I nodded and picked u my suit case."

"You nervous?" My mom spoke as a laid my head back on the car seat. "Kinda, I just hope he has realized what he did wrong in he past.." I sigh. "Me too, I don't like seeing you upset because of your father." She says. I nod and grip onto my suitcase as we pull into the parking lot of the airport. My dad didn't wanna see my mom, especially if his family is with him. "I love you mom." I say gripping onto her shoulders in a bear hug. "I love you too sweetie, If you need to talk or anything give me a call." I nod and hug her one last time.

I make my way inside of the airport, it was totally filled with people going or getting back from vacation. At this point I had no clue where I was. I pulled out my phone and dialed my dad's number. "Hey i'm here-" "Hey!" I turn to see my dad walking to me with his arms open. I open my arms as well and hug him, as if he was my best friend. "How have you been?" He said smiling. Maybe me not being around really cheered him up a bit. Last time I say him he was Mr. Grumpy 24/7. "Good, I just finished up sophomore year!" I said attaching a smile to my face. "Oh, so have Alexandra's son's." We started walking and I see two tall twins and a short black haired lady. I couldn't recognize her until I realized she dyed her hair. Me and Alexandra didn't leave on a good note either.

I see new faces, twins. I'm guessing they're her sons I've not met. "Hi Mikayla!" Alexandra speaks, acting very kind as well. "Hello." I smile hugging her. "Hi, I'm Ethan." One of the twins placed their hand out for me to shake. "I'm Grayson." "I'm Mikayla." I smiled. "Its gonna take me awhile to tell ya'll apart." I laugh. They laugh as well.

Is it bad that I think my twin step brothers are insanely attractive?


There's Chapter one! I really feel like you all will like this story!

I'll try updating as fast as I can!

Word count; 1213


Goal; 5 votes, 5 comments

^ I'm sorta new to Wattpad so dats why my goal isn't too high haha (:


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