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Hey, what are you to doing here this area is only for quidditch players not for the chilled of Voldemort and the Potter bad boy. Said, James. We can be here if we what you do not own the Quidditch shop, James. Well fine but be quick about whatever you are doing here I do not want people seeing you near me. I do not know why he does not like me. I don't care. He can torment me all the time but I will have something he probably never will have, a love life like I do. Her name Roseathena (Rose and Athena put together.) We met my second year at Hogwarts no one but Scorpius and Professor McGonagall knows about me and her. Now I am about to start my 6th year there in one month  I can't wait to see Athena (my nickname for her). I fell like it is going to be one hell of a year. Hay I am talking to you don't you ever pay attention to anyone but your self? Yes, I do what did you say? I was saying that your time in the store is up. So get out so we can continue our meeting it does not concern Death Enters like you. We are not Death Enters how many times do we have to tell you this?! I don't care, now get the fuck out of here. Said, James. OK, OK we are going. James and his friends glared at us the whole way out. Did you get what you need Scorpius? Yay. Where is it then, there mailing it to Hogwarts. OK. At that moment our pants walked up to us with very concerned looks. Albus, Scorpius why did Professor McGonagall send us an owl wanting to see you at Hogwarts a month early?

Albus Potters secret life( A harry potter fan fichin)Where stories live. Discover now