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What do you mean Professor McGonagall wants to see us a month early? We all received a letter from Professor McGonagall saying that you have to serve a months worth of detention before the next school year so she would like to see you now to serve it. So what do you have to say for yourselves what on Earth could you have done to earn a month of detention during the summer? Said Hermione. We both looked at each other. It must be a ruse for us to see Roseathena something must be wrong why else wooed Professor McGonagall sends an owl to our parents? I would like to know as well and why is it in the last month of your summer brack? Said Ginny. I and Scorpius both looked at each other and silently communicated together. We ditched all of our last week of classes. How is that possible if we got your final O.W.I.L.S in the mail. Said Harry. By this point, we had to think fast one wrong move we coned be forest to reveal everything and that coned not happen for Athena safety and every one how now's her. We took the test in a mack up detention we served the week before brack. Said Scorpius . What was that one for? We got cant seeking into the restricted Section in the Library. I said. What were you doing in there exactly? We wear looking for books about dark magic. Why were you looking for books on that? We wanted to learn more then what defense against the dark arts teaches us. You both need to start taking more responsibly about all of this, can you please start acting more responsible?

Said are parents.

Photo is Scorpius

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