0.1 16:th Birthday

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Just one more swipe with the mascara brush and I'm done. Aaand... Done. It's my 16:th birthday and every detail has to be perfect. My family from London is coming all the way to us in Manchester. Don't ask me why we live in Manchester, I'm born in London, my mom is born in London, my dad too. And my whole family live there. So I have no idea why...

"JUNE!!" My mom shouted from the living room. I ran down and met my mother on my way. "Are you ready? They are coming soon" she asks with a smile.

"Eh... Yeah, I think so, do I look good?" I answered and looked around on myself.

"You look absolutely stunning" she answered and took me in for a hug. Suddenly the door bell rings and I run to open it. My little cousin Cara was the first one to hug me.

"Happy birthday June!" She said and continued hugging my waist.

"Awww, thank you Cara" I said and leaned down to hug her back. I let her go and got to my aunt and uncle. "Hi Sarah" I said and took in my aunt to a hug. "Hi Ben" I then said and hugged my uncle. "Beth!" I shouted when I've got my eyes on my other cousin who is my age.

"June!" She screamed back and i almost jumped into her arms for a hug. As i said before, we live in Manchester, and they live in London. So we don't meet that often. "Oh my gosh, look at you, welcome to the life of sixteen" she said and looked at me. Beth is a shortening for Bethany and she is almost three months older than me. We all walked inside and waited for my grandparents to arrive.

"So, how's life in London now a days?" my mom asks and looks on my aunt Sarah.

"Well, it's good, what can I say" she answered. "How is it here in Manchester?"

"Yeah, it's gr...."

Ring, Ring

"I'll open!" I shouted and ran to the door. I opened and saw as expected, my grandparents. "Grama!" I screamed and hugged her hard.

"Hi my angel" she said and hugged me back. I let her go and hugged my grandfather. I letted them in and they took off their shoes. We walked into the others in the living room. I took a seat on the couch between Beth and my mom. We sat talking a while before my grandma took out a box and gave it to me.

"No, seriously, I said you shouldn't buy something for me" I sighted but took the box. I opened it and saw a beautiful necklace with white diamonds, I couldn't speak, it was so beautiful. "Wow, thank you so much, I'm speechless" (the pic up there👆🏻)

"You're so welcome darling" after some other packages, including a bracelet, earrings, a bikini and a new suitcase, Beth gave men an envelope, I opened it and the first thing I saw was "ARIANA GRANDE" oh, my, god.. When i continued reading i realized that I would go to the Ariana Grande's concert here in Manchester. "Oh my GOD! Beth! We're going on Ariana Grande!" I screamed and hugged Beth very hard. "You're the best!"

"You're welcome June" she smiled.

"One more" mom said and gave me another envelope. She didn't look that happy, my smile disappeared and I opened the envelope. The first thing I got to was one single ticket to Los Angeles. I got happy at first but looked at my mom again, my smile disappeared again when I saw a tear falling down on her cheek. I looked in the envelope again and found another paper. it stood something like this:

"Hi, we have heard from MEHS in Manchester that your daughter have some issues with school, we have decided to take June here to LSBS in Los Angeles. Hope we'll find her in good health. // John Collard LSBS"

I think something inside me broke. I walked straight up to my room and felt tears burning behind my eyelids. I slamed the door and walked round in circles. I'm getting dizzy and everything I can think of is "No, this isn't happening". Even though i knew this day would come, I didn't think it would come today, on my birthday, and it's all the way in Los Angeles. Beth came rushing into my room and hugged me so hard I almost couldn't breath.

"They're sending me t-to a b-oarding school?" I sobbed and she tried to calm me down.

"Shh.. I know, I know"

"O-on my birthday?"

Hope you like the first chapter!

I'm gonna post randomly, and I promise it will get better🙏🏻

And remember I'm just a fourteen year old girl from Sweden, so if the grammar isn't right please don't blame me❤️

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