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Keep in mind that no one but Eterna knows who Jasper is. Everyone knows Fallacy of course
*At 8 o'clock*
Encre's P.O.V
'Finally, it's morning!' I thought. After Charlos and I talked I couldn't sleep and since Charlos is a vampire he doesn't sleep during the night. I stretched my bones(?) and got out of the bed. I went to the bathroom and changed into my everyday clothes. I grabbed my bag and said, "Hey Charlos, it's time to go." I said while putting my shoes on. "Okay." I heard a sleepy voice say. He turned into a bat and flew into my bag. I open the door and closed it behind me. I looked looked around the hallways and saw no one. 'Maybe it was early for them.' I thought. I walked down the stairs and saw the royal family eating breakfast. "Good morning Encre." Said Princess Chara. "Good morning Princess Chara." I said with a bow. "Will you joining us for breakfast?" King Asgore asked. "My apologies but I'm afraid I still have more paintings to do." I lied. "Okay, then. Have a good day." He said. "Same to you as well." I replied. "I'll be on my way." I said as I dismissed myself from the royal family. I walked out to the front gate and it was opened by the guards at the front. "Thank you." I said as I walked out. Once I was a good distance away I ran to my house and locked the door. I opened my bag for Charlos to fly out but he didnt. "Carlos?" I called. I searched my bag until I heard quiet snores. Finally, I found him and placed him on my pillow. Now all I have to do is do something to keep my distracted until nightfall. That should be easy. I grabbed an empty canvas and started to sketch the village.

~At the Castle~
Suave's P.O.V
'Where on earth is Sir Jasper and Carlos?' I thought. They didn't come back and now that it's sunrise they had to find shelter. Lord Fallacy is worried but he doesn't show it. I'll have to find them on my own. I walked towards Lord Fallacy's office (idk) and knocked. "Come in." I heard him say. "Lord Fallacy, as you're aware, Jasper and Charlos didn't come back from hunting yesterday. If like your permission to go to the village and search for them." I said. "Yes you have my permission." He said. "Thank you m'lord." I said with a bow. I walked out of his office and went to get a clock (idk) so I could hide my face. I went out the door and took a shortcut to get to the village. The place was a but crowded but that means that I can ask more people about Sir Jasper and Charlos. I walked around and saw Eterna. My eyes widened in fear. 'What if Sir Jasper and Charlos got caught by her?' I thought. I shook my head. No they couldn't. I walk around asking people if they have seen my "cousins" Jasper and Charlos as I showed them a picture(?) of them. Every single person said they didn't see them. I was starting to lose hope. I went from house to house now. I was at the last house of the block. "Please know something." I whispered as I knocked. "Venir." (Coming) I heard someone say. They came and opened the door. "Bonjour, ce qui t'apporte ici." (Hello, what brings you here?) He said. "Bonjour, je me demande si vous avez vu mes cousins. Leurs noms sont Jasper et Charlos." I said. (Hi, I'm wondering if you have seen my cousins. Their names are Jasper and Charlos.) His eyes widened a bit, as in shock. "Attendez ici s'il vous plaît." He said (Wait here please).

Encre's P.O.V
That guys knows who Jasper and Charlos are. Well if he is their cousin then he must know they are vampires. Just in case I need to ask Charlos about this. I walked up to my room. It was dark because I closed the curtains so Charlos wouldn't burn. "Charlos, there is someone at the door saying that they are your cousin." I said while trying to wake him up. "My cousin? Maybe it's someone from the castle." Charlos said 'Castle?' I thought. "Ask them what their name is." He said and he yawned. "Okay, I'll be back." I said as I head downstairs. "May I ask your name Sir?" I asked. "My name is Suave." He said. I walk back upstairs and I said, "He said his name is Suave." "Oh no.... I'm in trouble now." He said. "Why?" I asked. "Suave is King Fallacy's butler but also his close friend. If Suave is here then King Fallacy must be worried meaning that I'll be scolded." Charlos said with a sigh. "Tell him everything and our plan. Meanwhile, I'll sleep." He said as he fell asleep after that. I went downstairs and told Suave to come in. "Hello Suave, I'm Encre and I do know of Charlos and Jasper. Charlos said that Jasper was captured by Eterna but Carlos managed to escape. We are planning to go to Eterna's dungeon(?) and nightfall." I explained. "WHAT!?!" Suave exclaimed. "HOW COULD LORD JASPER BE CAPTURED?!" He said. "I don't really know....." I said. "I'm sorry Encre it's just that *sigh* Lord Fallacy is worried and if anything happens to Jasper, I just don't know." He said. "Is Jasper someone important to you?" I asked. "Yes, he is dear to me." He said. After that he blushed probably of what he said. "I-I mean h-he is to e-everyone at the c-castle!" He shuttered. "Uh-hun." I said with a grin. "L-lets change the subject please." He said. "Okay." I said.

Jasper's P.O.V
"Owww!" I exclaimed. "The pain will stop if you tell me where Fallacy is at." Eterna said. "I'll never tell you. Go ahead and kill me already because you'll get nothing out of me!" I said. "Okay. I was technically offering you mercy but it seems you like pain more." She said with a evil smile as she stabbed me with her knife. It hurt...... a lot. I had a streamoif tears falling from face. Suave, father, Charlos, anyone, help me.....

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