Divergent High (Fourtris Fanfiction)

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Tris Prior:

My thoughts about going to a new school kind of terrified me, I had a feeling it would be like any other regular high school I have heard about. You know, the constant bullying, teasing, fighting, gossip.

Although to be honest I didn't think Divergent High would be any different.

I hoped it would be.

Laughing to myself I whispered , "False hope." Steadily I walked through the doors of the school.

I was the new kid, Tris Prior, my brother Caleb was sick today, running a fever. So he had to stay home and rest.

Now I was by myself.

Everyone knew everyone else, and I didn't know anyone. That probably wouldn't change, I would probably stay a loner.

I numbly hobbled over to what I presumed was the front office, "Uh... Front office?" I asked quietly to a man sitting and reading a newspaper.

"Whadda ya want?" The person spat, although by now I was stooped.

"Uh, excuse me?" I asked.

The man, uh, female put the newspaper down with a grumble.

To say the least, she was ugly. No wonder I thought she was a man, she looked like one.

Her face practically grew makeup which horribly clashed with her skin, I never wore any makeup. At all. Never. I never really looked at my reflection, always brought up to be selfless.

The lady was fat, basically a giant human circle, her clothes revealed way too much skin for her and some of her hair, dyed brown, was falling out, sticky against her head.

Resisting the urge to be sick I handed her the papers.

She read them through thoroughly, stumbling to the computer and crushing the chair as she sat down, sinking many centimeters.

A few seconds later I heard the printer go off, a slip of white paper with text on it provided from the narrow slot.

The lady handed me the paper, "'ere" she said, then collapsed onto her chair. That was probably her exercise for the day as she grabbed the newspaper and continued to read.

I took the paper, it was my timeline:

Line 1: P.E

Line 2: English

Line 3: Maths

Line 4: History and Geography

Line 5: Science

According to the clock I had 10 minutes before class.

What could I do? Meet people?

So off I went, exploring the school only for a few minutes before I was completely ambushed by a group of punk kids.

"What's your name?" One demanded ferociously, eyeing me.

Okay, so maybe I was a small girl with hardly a feminine bodice and short blonde hair, but still. That didn't mean I was completely worthless.

I stood up straight, obviously I couldn't use the name 'Beatrice'. It didn't sound cool enough.

"My name is Tris Prior." I said defensively, leveling my head to everyone else's, which meant cranking my head up. Since they were so much taller then me.

"You're the new girl?" Another asked, I took the time to look around.

These kids were most likely a group of punks, dressed in black with piercings and tattoos. Was that even legal?

However one caught my eye, he was tall and gorgeously tanned, his deep blue eyes bore right through me. His tight black shirt showed off his muscles, his jeans were slightly ripped.

The boy trapped forward, "My names Four. Welcome top Dauntless, Stiff." He muttered, extending his hand.

I shook it, "Dauntless?" I mumbled curiously, I almost called him 'sir' for some reason. There was something about him, it was obvious he was a respected group leader amongst these popular kids. But why would he welcome me into Dauntless?

The name was crisp on my tongue as I mouthed it silently.

"Dauntless is what we call ourselves, the cool daredevil kids. They are the names of the groups we hang out in. The newbies, you, are referred to as Stiffs. Usually you people hang out in Abnegation, a selfless group that goes around and hands out free lunch, maybe helping out with homework and sometimes cleaning the school grounds. Other then that there are the nerds who study a lot, Erudite. There are these stuck up people called Candor who usually boast a lot and think they are better then everyone. Terrible liars though. Last but not least are Amity, the happy-go-lucky hippies." He finished off, his tone of voice was mature the whole time, as if he had recited this a lot.

"And you're welcoming me into Dauntless because...?" I trailed off, my eyes narrowing suspiciously.

"Oh. I can tell you have the fighting spirit in you." Four's eyes glinted.

"However, Four, she has to prove herself." A low voice from behind me said, indistinctly I raised my hands, turning to face a man behind me. He was clearly a teacher, a young one, with major tattoos and the dauntless symbol plastered all over him. However I was assuming he was a PE teacher by the whistle strung around his neck. His face held many tattoos, maybe he went to this school.

"Hello Eric." Four mumbled, his shoulders slightly tense. I could practically see the invisible walls of defence coming up in his mind.

"Four, glad I could catch you. Hope you didn't make a wrong choice with letting this Stiff into Dauntless. You are making a risk, you know." Eric smiled, no trace of happiness was found in it.

"I'm not making a risk. I can train her and assess her myself... Sir." Four sneered the last word. With a wave of the hand and a death stare Eric turned around and left, scowling at passing students.

"What's with all this training and assessing?" I mumbled, eyes still on Eric.

"Oh. Well the people in Dauntless are to form a team, capture the flag. Usually we verse other schools, except it's not the typical capture the flag you're thinking of. This one has guns." Four smiled, a gleam in his eyes.

I was about to ask if they were real, but the bell rang and I was sent flying forwards as a group of people erupted from the halls. "Hey Tris, you have PE first up. You're in my class, come on!" Someone mumbled, grabbing my arm and pulling me along.

This boy was older then me, I swear almost everyone was older then me, his skin was darker then Fours, his eyes held a playful smile. Instantly I knew we might be friends.

"Wait what's your name?" I asked, the crowd was starting to thin down.

"Oh. My name's Uriah."

A/N what do you guys think so far?

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