Coffee: The Elixir of Life

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OK the title might be exaggerated a bit. But seriously, I love coffee!!! I literally can't be functional at all until I've had a large cup in the morning. When taking care of a house and a toddler while the husband is at work, yes, I need the big pick-me-up first thing the morning.

I wasn't always a coffee drinker though. Never drank coffee at all until I started college. It's true what they say about coffee becoming your best friend in college. Pulled a lot of late nighters, almost all nighters, with school work and then have classes the next day from 9 in the morning til 6:30 in the evening. In the first half of my last year of college, I had a 16-lesson plan unit I had to put together (I was an education major). I only had a week to put it together and the lesson plans had to be VERY detailed down to the very things we say during the lessons. During the week, I got maybe 2 or 3 hours sleep a night. My husband (at the time he was my fiancé) would bring me a 4-pack of Starbucks Fraps or a 4-pack of Rock star energy drinks to get me through each day and night. Rock Star is nasty by the way. I haven't drank it since then.

I know Starbucks is all over the place and that's usually a favorite amongst people. It wasn't my favorite though. I don't know what it is, but I personally think their coffee is a little burnt tasting. Don't get me wrong, I'll drink it if that's all there is around. My favorite coffee house when it was still open in Boardman was Caribou Coffee. Oh my! Their Carmel High Rises were to die for!

But then they closed a year or so after I graduated from college

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But then they closed a year or so after I graduated from college. No joke, I actually cried. Had a lot of good memories of going there with my college friends after classes were over for the day. I would usually their Passion fruit Green tea smoothie with a shot of raspberry on days it was hot out. On cold days, it was either their Carmel High Rise or Campfire Mocha that I would get.
Since Caribou has been closed, I do still get their k-cups now and then. But my new favorite coffee place to go to is Dunkin Donuts. Their coffee is good and is a little bit on the cheaper side than what Caribou was. It's not the same as Caribou, but it's as good of a substitute as I can find.

I know what you all are thinking right now. "She just wrote a whole big thing about coffee." Yes I did lol. After looking over the last few updates, I decided to write something on the lighter side. Taking a breather from "the deep stuff" lol. Perhaps next update I'll throw some more "deep stuff" in there, like my favorite color (where are my Everlark fans at!?!) lol.

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