The Craziest Month of the Year

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We all have times throughout the year which is our busiest/craziest month(s). A lot of people would say December is the craziest month of the year. I understand that completely. Christmas, Christmas shopping, Christmas parties and gatherings, New Year's Eve, etc. Yes it is a crazy month... But it's not my craziest month.

I would have to say August is my craziest month. And starting this year, it just became even crazier. Birthdays, doctors appointments, speech therapy, and now school related things.

As far as birthdays goes, my husband's birthday, my birthday, and my son's birthday all are in August (and I promise, we did not plan it that way. It just kind of happened lol). My birthday is first in line, which is August 7th. I don't really do anything for it though. To me, it's just another day except I'm another year older. Next in line is my son, Alan's, birthday, which is August 8th. Then there's my husband, Andrew's, birthday, which is August 17th. Plus I have a lot of friends and relatives who have birthdays in August as well. For example, my cousin, Jared's, birthday is August 11th. My second cousin's birthday is August 6th. My neighbor's is August 4th. Whew! That's a lot of birthdays!

Since Alan's birthday is in August, he has his yearly doctor's appointment with his pediatrician in the same month. It particularly bothers me when he has to get shots during his appointments. He didn't need one during his 30 month check-up. But since he's turning 3, not sure which ones, if any, he might be getting. As of right now, he still has speech therapy every Thursday of that month as well.

Starting this year in addition to all the other chaos already going on, I get to add school stuff to it since Alan is starting preschool. I know I know! My boy is getting so big! My baby isn't a baby anymore! *cries* Andrew was even saying just the other day how it feels as though I just gave birth to Alan a couple days ago. Now he's going to be 3 in a couple weeks!

Last week, I already went to the parent orientation meeting at the school Alan will be going to. I met the assistant principal along with the school nurses and a couple other people who work at the school. They took us for a tour around the school showing us the classroom, playground, gym, as well as some of the activity rooms (including an indoor pool!). I'm excited for Alan starting school. He's going to have so much fun!

In August, I have to call the school to set up an appointment to bring Alan in to show him what riding the bus is going to be like. I was told that they will have him climb in and look around the bus. Then they'll strap in his bus seat that has straps like a car seat since he's still little. Once they do that, they are to take him for a ride around the parking lot or block. That way he will know what to expect so he won't freak out on his first day. There is a second orientation meeting I have to go to, but this time Alan will be with me because he and I will meet his teacher. We'll get a better look at his classroom too.

In addition to all of that is the ever so wonderful task of school shopping (note the sarcasm there). Hopefully I'll actually get a school supply list soon so that I will know what supplies he'll need to bring on his first day. Then finally, his first day of school is August 28th.

Since summer is sadly winding to a close, there is usually an End Of Summer party that we go to. Sometimes my sister has it at her place and sometimes a friend will have one. It just depends really. In my hometown of Girard, they usually have an End Of Summer parade as well. The community seems to really enjoy it.

So there you have it! My craziest month of the year! I have to keep reminding myself to just take it one day or else I will end up losing what sanity I have left. Yes, I'm utterly exhausted by the time the month is over. But it's what I have to do.

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