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As time passed, Logic and Morality eventually gave up on waiting for Anxiety to come out. Prince, however, couldn't seem to shake the crippling guilt he was feeling. He never so much as listened to what Anx was trying to say, ever. His mind kept drifting back to every completely horrid thing he had ever said to the other, and he eventually decided he had waited long enough. Standing from his spot, he made his way over to Anxiety's door and kicked powerfully at the handle. The door swung open.

He was instantly hit with the scent of dried blood. Then the sight of it. Everywhere.

Anxiety was strewn across his bed, dark sheets made darker by the deep red stains tangled between his legs and thrown haphazardly across his unconscious body. Prince blinked back tears as he stood, unresponsive.

After a few seconds had passed, he managed to regain himself, and began shouting out for Logan as he rushed over to the body. Panicked, he pulled Anxiety's arm out the sheets to check the severity of the situation. Shit. Shit.

Logan came bustling into the room, pushing Prince aside and instantly getting to work with wrapping the bandages he'd bought with him around Anxiety's wrists and applying pressure to the wounds. At some point - Roman wasn't quite sure when - Patten had made his way into the room, and was now stood, bawling and rubbing furiously at his eyes, murmuring over and over about how he had "failed them." Prince however, just sat. He sat and he stared disgusted at a small speck of blood that had intruded his porcelain imperfect skin. This was his fault. And he would do anything he could to fix this mess he had caused.


Agh why am I incapable of holding a regular schedule of short ass updates fucckkkk

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