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Prince was sat in his bed scrolling through Instagram when Anxiety came in, now fully dressed in a baggy light grey hoodie and black sweatpants. Prince smiled softly at him and moved over to one side of his bed, allowing room for his guest to sit down.

"So, this is your room?" Anxiety asked gesturing around at the mess of photos, poems and quotes scattered across the walls.

"Yup!" Anxiety walked cautiously towards the prince before sitting gingerly on the edge of his bed. Roman sighed before slipping his arms around his waist and pulling him onto the bed properly. A blush spread over Anxiety's face as the other let go of him and moved to his respective side of the bed. "So, what do you want to do? I have movies, video games and I make a killer hot chocolate if you want one."

Anxiety shrugged, still hiding his burning face from Roman. "I mean, video games sounds good, if you want," Roman urged him on. "And I could always go for a hot chocolate."

"Great! Ok, I'll go make drinks and you can pick a game. They're in the box in the corner." Roman made his way out into the kitchen, and Anxiety dragged himself out of the warmth of Princes bed to go pick a game, eventually deciding on a copy of his childhood favourite, Crash Bandacoot. He took the game with him back over to the bed where he sat down once again. His eyes scanned the room, settling on certain decorations scattered over the walls. It was nice. Colourful.

Anxiety began pulling on the corner of his sleeves, the textured fabric on the inside of his sleeves irritating the scabs on his arms. It wasn't necessary for him to wear bandages anymore, as the wounds no longer bled, however they were far from being entirely healed, and the scratchy material of his jumper was not helping the already inflamed and irritated skin. He wondered whether or not it would be appropriate for him to take the jumper off. It would make it far more comfortable for him, but he was sure that Princey wouldn't want to see the marks that had been created. They were ugly, hideous. His head swam with fears and doubts until the prince entered once more, handing him a steaming mug. He pulled his sleeves further down over his hands before taking the mug from the Prince.

"Damn, nice choice!" Prince exclaimed as he saw the game that lay in front of Anxiety. He glanced over at him worriedly, noticing Anxiety scratching at his arms slightly through his clothes. He set his mug down and placed a hand on top of Anxiety's and the scratching stopped. Anxiety looked confused for a second, then guilt flooded his eyes.

"Oh! That's- uh- that's not what I was doing! It's just the fabric. It's just quite uncomfortable-" Anxiety quietened into an unintelligible murmur.

"You can take it off, if you want."

"No. I mean, you don't want to see it. It's cool, I'll change later. It'll be fine for now."

Prince bit his lip timidly, before responding. "Look, Anx, if it's bothering you I'd much prefer that you take it off." Anxiety hesitated for a second before complying. He watched Roman draw in a sharp breath before diverting his eyes. Ugly.

"Lets play then, yeah?"


Slightly longer than normal to make up for my shitty update schedule. And I gave you all a bit of fluff to make up for 9 chapters of straight up angst wow don't say I don't treat you well. This was originally supposed to be fully fluff but apparently I can't achieve that so this'll have to do 😂

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