Chapter 1 - Twenty Years Later...

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(Don't play song yet! Wait for when I say you can!)

"Twenty years ago today, King Peppy made us safe and now every Troll is free to be happy and live in perfect..."

"Harmony!" "Harmony!" "Harmony!" Poppy and the children sang.

Allium smiled at her 21-year-old sister. Poppy had grown into a beautiful, positive, cheerful Troll in the last twenty years.

"And that's why we hug every hour!" A little blue girl Troll said.

"Yep!" Poppy agreed, closing her scrapbook.

"I wish it was every half hour..." A purple boy Troll said sadly, tracing the floor.

"So do I but that wouldn't leave much time for singing and dancing now would it?" Poppy said, setting her scrapbook down on a pedestal.

"And singing and dancing is a very important part of Troll life," Allium said, standing up and walking over to her sister. "Right Poppy?"

"Right Allium!" Poppy giggled.

"Princess Poppy?" A little yellow girl Troll asked, holding up her hand. "Do the Bergens still want to eat us?"

"You bet!" Poppy said happily like it wasn't a scary thought at all. All the little Trolls gasped. "But just because it's the only way they'll ever be happy."

The purple Troll boy licked his arm. "Oh no! I do taste delicious!" He cried. Allium chuckled and rubbed his head as she passed him.

"Isn't there anything else to make them happy?" The yellow girl asked.

"Ooh!" A little red Troll girl cried. "What about having birthday parties?"

"Or slumber parties!" A yellow Troll boy added.

"Or staring at your parents while they sleep." The tiny green... Eh... Allium didn't actually know that little Troll's gender was. All she knew was that they were a creepy child and maybe was dropped as a baby or something. Either way, everyone except the sisters made creeped out sounds and scooted away from them.

"But I don't want to be food!" The yellow girl whined.

"Don't worry." Poppy assured her. "No Troll ever will be. And that's why we're celebrating with the biggest party ever! Everybody's going to be there!"

"Even you kids are invited!" Allium added as she stopped by her sister's side. The kids cheered.

"Everybody?" Allium jumped when the creepy green Troll poked its head out of Poppy's hair with her cowbell on its head.

"Everybody." Poppy confirmed using the same creepy voice the Troll uses. Then she took her cowbell from the kid and began banging it.

Allium smiled and rolled her eyes. "Oh no. Here we go." She said with a chuckle. As Poppy sang and danced, Allium followed along silently using her wings. She never did really like singing in front of other Trolls other than her family.

(Okay you can play music now)

Everybody, move your hair and feel united, ohh
Everybody, shake your hair and feel united, ohh

Everybody's comin' to the celebration
Imma hook you up with the invitation
Let your hair swing and party with me
No bad vibes, just love you'll see
Do the D.A.N.C.E
1,2,3,4 fight
Stick to the B.E.A.T
Get ready to ignite

You are such a P.Y.T., catching all the lights
Just as easy as ABC, that's how you make it right

Ah, It ain't hard out here, when you're doing it right
Put a smile on blast, that's the Troll life

A World of Happiness - A Trolls OC StoryWhere stories live. Discover now