Chapter 2 - Party Foul

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(A/N: A bit of a short chapter. Hope you enjoy, my Okami!)

"This party is crazy!" Petal yelled over the loud music, a cup of punch in her hand.

"What?" Allium yelled back, then laughed. "Just kidding I heard you!"

Petal laughed too. "I told you she'd go overboard with the glitter!"

"I know right? I warned her not to!" Allium said as the glitter cannons went off. She covered her eyes as a wave of light and glitter flew over the crowd.

"WO-HOOO!!" Petal whooped. Allium sighed and brushed the glitter off of her face. She wasn't that into it, and Branch's warning kept running though her head. She was here for her sister, and that was it. She could tell Petal was thinking about it ounce in a while, as her cousin would stop glance around before getting distracted and getting back into party mode again.

(A/N: Get it? Cause there's a Party Mode on the movie disc?)

Allium looked around and up at the sky as another glitter firework went off, this time as a picture of Poppy.

Oh she hoped that Branch was wrong as usual.

But oh was she wrong.
"Okay everyone!" Poppy yelled, making everyone quiet down and turn to her. "I just want to take a moment, and get a little real." She turned her head to smile at Allium, who smiled back, before turning back to her father.

"Poppy! Allium!" Biggie yelled from the crowd. "They're my friends, I know them!"

Almost everyone shushed him, Petal being the loudest. King Peppy cleared his throat quietly and the sisters smiled and shook their heads before Poppy continued.

"I'd like to take a second to celebrate our King." She held out her hand and her father took it with a smile, then offered her other hand to Allium, who took it with a surprised look. "Who took in Allium, and gave me a sister. And who twenty years ago this night, saved all of us from those dreaded-." She was cut off by loud footsteps in the distance. Everyone gave quiet gasps and looked around as the pod homes began to shake.

"No...!" Allium whispered, her wings drooping down in fear. "Not again...!"

"Bergens..." Her father murmured, finishing Poppy's sentence from before.

Chef. The same Bergen that took away Allium's parents all those years ago.


Allium shrieked over Poppy yelling at everyone to run and dived down, scooping up a Troll child that Chef almost grabbed. Petal tried to save DJ Suki, but DJ purposely let go so they both didn't get caught.

If only Petal could extend her hair like the other Trolls...

"BLEND IN!! BLEND IN!! BLEND IN!!" Poppy screamed.

"Follow me!" Allium yelled to a group of younger Trolls. She quickly lead them into a clump of clovers and used their hair to blend in. Allium, however, went back to help anyone else. Her eyes widened when she saw the Bergen reaching for her cousin. "PETAL!!"

Petal turned just in time to see Allium tackle her to the ground, both of them rolling into a clump of leaves. She quickly extended her hair to look like the leaves around them, getting on top of Petal to cover her bright colors. Chef growled and went after someone Allium couldn't see.

'Please don't let her take Poppy or Dad.' The purple Fairy Troll silently prayed. 'I can't loose anyone else... Please...'
"I think it's safe." Petal whispered. Allium slowly crawled off of her and they both emerged from the leaves, a couple of other Trolls Allium didn't realize were there following behind them.

"Poppy!" She cried when she saw her sister, running over and hugging her. Petal retrieved King Peppy's cane and gave it back to him.

Poppy was not happy. That much was clear. As soon as Allium let go, the Princess looked around with a shocked/sad look.

"Al..." Petal murmured, walking up to her cousin. "The Snack Pack's gone. The Bergen took them all."

Allium's wings and even her ears drooped and her pupils became a tiny black circle.

It happened again...

The Bergens took her loved ones away...

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 21, 2017 ⏰

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