5. Dead Girls Talk!

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Emily arrived in Thornhill, where she got an 'SOS' from Jake. ''Something big happened! Meet me in stony lake! As soon as you get this, get their! Please!! It's important!'' He than sent the same 'SOS' to his sister, Chloe.

''Surprise! What the fuck is this!'' Jake asked

''She came to my door.... She needed my help!'' Selene said. She put her fist to her forehead, ''I'm sorry I didn't call, it seemed like it would have been better in person!''

''It would have been nice to not be scared to death!'' Brynn yelled, ''Where's Emily, and why the hell is everyone all of a sudden trying to be friends again!''

''Brynn! Shut up!'' Selene yelled, 'Ok, this is confusing to us too!''

''Don't tell her to shut up'' Jake said, 'Can we go in their and talk to her now?''

''No.... She's on the phone....'' Selene stuttered.

''With who!'' Brynn demanded.

''Slow down snow white''

''NO!'' Brynn yelled, ''She put us through hell, For a year Selene, how on earth, can you just pick us up, and ask us to help!''


''ENOUGH!'' Jake yelled, shutting them up, startling them as he did. ''We're not going to get anywhere, BY FIGHTING!''

''Ok...Sorry'' Selene said, ''Ill go check on her''

Selene walked out of the room, and Jake and Brynn took a seat, ''What I don't understand, is why she brought us way up here, instead of talking to us in Joyville.. Like'' Jake said, Brynn touched his arm. ''Jake, Maybe we should talk about Cuba...'' Brynn said, remembering a piece from Cuba.

''Hey guys, First one to the cliff, and jumps has to buy dinner!'' Brynn said, than ran, everyone followed, Brynn jumped and smashed into the water, laughing as she came up, Next was Emily, and Jake. Chloe jumped in, than Selene. 'Ha!'' Brynn laughed, ''You buy!'' Selene shook her head, laughing. ''No fair!''

Everyone got to their loft, in Cuba, and ordered dinner, but they weren't able to have room service, so they went down to the cafeteria instead. When they entered, Selene caught someone, out of the corner of her eye. April. ''Guy's..... Look'' Selene said pointing at the girl, ''It's..... April Rose''

''Brynn?' Jake asked, snapping her back to reality. She jumped, ''Ya, Sorry''

''Is everything.. Ok?' Jake asked, placing a hand on her back, She smiled, 'Perfect, Yep''

''So why do you wanna talk about Cuba...?'' Jake asked

''Because, That girl.... What happened, April rose, Everything, Its not making sense, and what we did was bad, so maybe... we need to'' Brynn said, Jake went to speak,

''You cant talk about Cuba, ever! And after tonight, you need to split up again, or leave town, and everyone behind it, I'm gonna say this once, and after that.... I'm leaving, and if you all don't come, than you'll never see me again'' The girl said, standing In the doorway.

Two cars pulled up outside, ''That's them, I'll be in the kitchen, don't tell them It's me their here to see, Please'' The  girl said walking into the kitchen.

About a minute later, their was three knocks on the door. Jake stood, and cleared his throat, He walked to the door, and opened it. Emily and Chloe stood outside, Jake smiled, and hugged them both, ''Thank you for coming.. Both of you'' Jake said letting them inside, he pulled the door closed, and locked it.

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