14. Old Days

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Jake opened his eyes, ''What's going on?'' he asked, walking down the hall of lane-ridge prep. She saw people in a crowd, it the was second day back to school. Two girls were screaming. ''Stop!'' Jake said running through the crowd, to see Orianna on the floor, and April rose on top of her, ''What the hell! April get off of her!'' Jake yelled tipping her over, and pulling Orianna to his chest, he wrapped his arms around her and hugged her. ''Are you ok Babe?'' he asked

'She came out of the bathroom, and threw me to the ground Jake, she had no reason's for it'' Orianna said fixing her hair, ''She's crazy''

''IM NOT CRAZY!'' April yelled, ''Your the slut talking shit''

''She is not a slut April, now I think you better fuck off'' He said, taking Orianna's hand, and walking to study hall, they sat at their spot, and walked over to the little coffee cart in the place, and ordered their usual drink. Emily was gossiping with Brynn about something in the corner, Selene was sitting alone, Jake's sister Chloe walked in, and straight to Jake. She hugged him, 'Your home!'' She smiled

''Yea, Beanny baby'' He joked, it was her nickname he gave her, He stood and gave her a proper hug. ''Could we talk?'' She asked, He smiled, ''Babe ill be back'' He said giving Orianna a kiss.

Jake and Chloe walked into the hall, and Emily looked up, Perfect, She walked over to Orianna, and sat in Jake's spot. ''Can I help you?'' Orianna asked

''Yep, You could leave Jake alone'' Emily said, 'I called dibs''

''I don't care'' Orianna said ''He's mine''

'No Hunny, he's mine'' Emily said

''Emily, fuck off'' Orianna said, Emily went to punch her, but Jake appeared, Emily rolled her eyes, and went back to sitting with Brynn. Jake took Orianna's hand when he sat, and they opened their books, ''So, Mr. Russo is making me hand in this big English report tomorrow, could you help me?'' Orianna asked

''Sure'' Jake said, ''What's the topic?''

''True love. Olden day's, such like that'' Orianna smiled, running her finger on Jake's palm. ''How did I get something so perfect?'' She asked making an adorable face, Jake laughed,

''What do you mean, Perfect?'' He asked

'You, your perfect, we're perfect, this... its all perfect'' Orianna smiled, 'I never want it to end''

''Hey Em, what you gonna do about that?'' Kenzie asked sitting down at the table her and Brynn were at.

''Oh, I don't know yet, But she wont get away with stealing him'' Emily said.

Back in the present, Emily sat in a chair next to Jake's hospital bed. Even tho the police told her he was dead, she still made them hook him to machines. She put him in a really hot bath, which made him look more human than he did hours before. She kissed his lips, as someone turned the corner.

''What are you doing!' Quinn yelled standing in the door way, She didn't look cold, or frozen, or anything, ''Get away from him!''

''No!' Emily said, 'No, I refuse to move from his side until he wakes up, or until he regains life!''

''Move!'' Quinn yelled


''Ocean? What I was half way to Holly wood, when I got a call saying Jake was dead'' Quinn said, Emily closed her eyes hard, remembering the water, She turned back, to see Quinn's dead body floating, Her eyes staring at her. Emily's eyes opened. It was all a hallucination, The water and the temperature messed with her brain, and she thought she saw Quinn, but she didn't.

'Quinn, I'm not leaving Jake'' Emily said.

''Ill have you removed than'' Quinn said. Emily stood and pushed Quinn, ''Cant yo see, I am here for Jake! If you cannot accept that, than your gonna leave you no good bitch!'' Emily yelled.

''Stop walking away from me!'' Emily yelled, looking at Orianna who was walking up the stairs at the cemetery. ''You don't deserve Jake, you hurt him!''

''Listen Emily, I'm dating him. Let it go, and move on!'' Orianna snapped, she turned and kept walking, Emily followed and grabbed her wrist, and spun her. ''No, I deserve to be with Jake, more than you do bitch, now back off of him!''

''NO EMILY, YOU BACK OFF!'' Orianna yelled, ''You cant say anything to make me stop loving Jake, nothing can stop me, nothing!''

'Really, Well if you're dead, than that can stop you'' Emily said, Orianna turned with fright, and Emily shoved her, She fell and smacked her head off a tomb stone, where Emily bashed her head in. She felt so bad after, ''No!'' She sobbed holding Orianna's hand, that's when Jake came, and took Emily to Thornhill.

''Do you not remember what you did?'' Quinn asked

''What did I do?'' Emily asked

''You killed Jake's love, you took her from him!'' Quinn said

'That was an accident!' Emily said

''Was it?'' Quinn asked, ''I don't think the cops would see it that way''

''Stop!'' Brynn said walking in, she pulled Quinn out of the room, and forcefully walked to the bathroom, ''What's going on!''

''Jake died'' Quinn said, ''Because of Emily''

''Emily?'' Brynn asked, ''She's dead, That's Ella in that room''

'No Brynn, that's Emily''


''She came back, don't ask me how, but she's the reason Jake's dead''

Brynn stormed from the bathroom, and to Jake's room, she shoved Emily up against the wall, her arm against her throat, And her hand holding Emily's other hand to the wall. 'Talk, right now!'

'Brynn stop!' Emily said ''Its me!''

''HOW!'' Brynn yelled ''HOW DID HE DIE!''

''He froze!'' Emily cried, ''Someone kidnapped us, and drove us into the ocean, where he died' Emily cried. Brynn let go, and held Jake's hand, she shook his body, ''Wake up''

''Wake up right now!'' She yelled slapping his cheek. Emily stopped her, ''Do not hit him!'' She demanded.

Emily, Brynn and Mackenzie walked into Nadia's, Their local diner. They each sat down, and ordered some food and drinks. ''What's the plan?'' Kenzie asked

''I need to find a way to remove Orianna from this life, from Jakes'' Emily said

'How can you do that?'' Brynn asked

''Well if I kidnapped Jake''

''Nope, he'd think your crazy'' Kenzie said.

''If I killed Orianna'' Emily said, 'Than he'd move on''

''Yea'' Brynn said ''But that's murder, so no!''

''I don't know'' Emily said ''Lets just eat, that bitch can be our worries later'' Emily said biting into her salad.

Emily and Brynn looked down at Jake connected to cords, he looked piece full.

''Well if he's dead, at least he's in a better place'' Brynn sighed. Sitting down, she took his hand, and Emily took his others. And they prayed. Emily kissed his lips, and a tear slid down her cheek onto his, which slid off.

She got on the ground and sobbed, Their was a weird movement sound. Than a gasp.

''What the hell'' Emily said. ''Shhhh'' Brynn said slowly closing the door. 'I think theirs a shooter here''

They crouched down beside the bed. And than they heard the voice. ''Emily!''

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