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Hyerin's P. O. V.

Jimin was laying his head on my lap and smiling up at me while I was watching tv. "Hyerin, we should go on a vacation before I go back to work," He requested.

"A vacation? Where would this vacation be?" I said, playing with his hair.

"Where do you want to go, my love?"

I blushed when he called me that. "I've always wanted to go to Jeju Island..."

Jimin sat up excitedly. "That's a great place! We should invite Hana and Jungkook too."

That was a good idea. The trip would be all types of fun and it was just the thing we needed to do before Jimin and Jungkook go on their tour.


Later that day, Jimin and I were browsing a jewelry shop, even though we were supposed to be meeting Hana for lunch. I didn't understand why we were there and when I asked Jimin, he just told me he wanted to look for future reasons. So there we were, looking at the beautiful rings displayed in front of us. "So, if I were to ask you to marry me, which ring would you like?" Jimin asked smiling at me.

Why would he ask a question like that? I guess it was a normal question to ask when you're dating so, I thought nothing of it. I looked at the rings to see which one I would like. There was one that caught my attention. It was a very simple but, beautiful ring. "That would be perfect," I said pointing at it.

"Wow, you have such simple taste," Jimin complemented.

"Now we really should get going before we're late," I suggested, "Hana doesn't like to wait on me."

Jimin nodded and took my hand. We went to the restaurant where we were supposed to meet Hana and she was already at the table, waiting. When we sat down across from her, she smiled. Even though she was smiling, I could tell she was annoyed that we were late.

"So, what did you want to tell me?" Hana asked as we finished ordering our food.

"We were planning on going on a vacation to Jeju island. Maybe you could take a break from the violin and go with us?" I explained.

"A vacation? That's just what I need right now. Count me in."

With Hana agreeing to go on this trip, all we needed to do was plan it. We all talked about ideas of what we could do during the rest of this lunch.

Hana's P. O. V.

I was practicing my violin, but I just couldn't focus. All I could think about was when Jungkook kissed me. I haven't seen him since that day since I had to practice more often. And it's been a week since Jimin and Hyerin told me about that vacation.

Instead of playing my violin, I found myself humming the melody.

"Hana! What are you doing?" My teacher scolded, "This is practice for the violin, not vocal class."

"I'm sorry, I'll get back to it," I apologized. I went back to practicing. This was the first time I felt bored of practicing the violin. I wanted to see Jungkook again.

An hour later, practice was finally over. To my surprise, Jungkook was standing outside, waiting for me. I tried to keep my cool and hold back my smile. Jungkook, on the other hand, had to biggest smile on his face. When I came up to him, he pulled me into a hug. "I missed you," Jungkook said resting his head on my shoulder.

"It's only been a week," I joked, trying to hide my embarrassment. I could see people around us smiling as they walked past.

"So you heard about the vacation Jimin is planning, right?"

"Yes, don't you think it's exciting?" I said, "And we leave tomorrow."

Jungkook was just about to say something until my phone started to ring. It was Hyerin calling. "Sorry, I should take this," I said to Jungkook.

He nodded and I quickly answered the phone. "Hana, I need your help," Hyerin said, "Can you come home, quickly?"

"Sure thing. I'll be there soon," I said before hanging up.

"I guess you have to go then," Jungkook said with a frown.

I smiled and reached up to ruffle his hair. "I'll see you tomorrow and then we can spend the whole vacation together, okay?"

Jungkook nodded and I went off to my house. When I got there, I went to Hyerin's room. Her room was a mess. Her clothes were all over the place and she had shoes and bags everywhere. "What happened here?" I asked walking in.

"A tragedy," Hyerin answered, "I have no idea what to pack."

She was sitting on the floor looking at all of her clothes. "What are you do worried about? It's just a vacation," I assured her.

"No, this might be more than just a vacation. I have a feeling that Jimin is gonna propose to me."

I sat down next to her. "What make you think that?"

She then told me all about what happened before they went to have lunch with me. It really sounded like Jimin was going to propose to her. "If he gonna do that we have to make sure you have something really nice to wear," I said, "I'll help you pack."

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