chapter one

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Not all chapters will have everyone's POV's, it will only have two at the most. I hope you enjoy. :)


Emma's POV

Beep! Beep! Beep!

Ugh, the sound of my alarm clock was annoying as fuck. Excuse my language, but it's not like I said it out loud.

"Emma Hades! Get up right this instant! You are going to be late and I still have to make your sister's breakfast!" My mother yelled from the kitchen.

"I'll be right there, mom!" I grunt as I roll out of bed.

I get up and rush to my closet. I should have set my outfit the night before like my mom told me to but I was way too tired. I pick out my white polo and a pair of those horrifyingly ugly skirts they force us to wear. I swear, how am I supposed to get a guy while I look like a fucking Irish leprechaun. I pick a pair of black flats as I rush down the stairs.

"Don't forget to eat breakfast!" My younger sister, Sydney, says as I rush out the door.

"I'm not hungry!" I yell when I am already outside. I actually was hungry but I have no time. I get in my mom's car as she is already there sitting looking annoyed at me.

"What?" I asked confused at why she is annoyed with me.

"This is the third time this week you've been late!" She practically screams as she backs out of the driveway. "You need to get your permit soon!

"Maybe, if you got me a car.." I bring up the topic.

"Maybe, if you get a job.." She says in the same tone.

I roll my eyes and plug in my earphones, not actually listening to music but just scrolling through my Instagram feed.

When I saw my mom pulling up to the school, I quickly put my phone away. I grabbed my things out of the back. She was on the phone with a client, as always. My mother didn't say goodbye, so I didn't bother either.

As I walk in the school, I spot Mia alongside Jane. I also spot the jerk who not only broke my heart but tore it into little tiny pieces, Will Nite, asshole of the year, everyone.

Mia's POV

"I honestly don't know why Brooklyn is being such a bitch and trying to steal your guy, I mean, I understand if she hates me, but you? Nope. She's probably just jealous that Nate likes you." I say rolling my eyes.

"Yeah, I hope." Jane says sighing. "Oh look, there's Emma." Jane points to Emma walking towards us.

She was wearing a polo that obviously wasn't pressed, her hair was messy, and her socks were inside out. She probably woke up late. Again.

"Hey, girl." I say walking to her locker with her. "Clock didn't go off?" I ask sarcastically.

"Hahah, so very funny." She replies cockily as she just shoves her bag in her locker.

"Here," Jane says handing a mirror to Emma. "You look like crap."

"Thanks, ugh, I swear to God, my hair is antigravity, it never stays down." She says putting her hand on her head trying to flat it out. "Do you have a brush?" She asks.

I quickly go to my locker and grab my brush to hand it to her.

"Thank you! You guys are lifesavers!" She says as we walk away from her locker and find a place to sit.

"What would you do without us?" Jane asks.

"Is it sad that I honestly don't know?" Emma replies giggling.

We all laugh together before the bell rings and we head to class.

"Hey, where is Sophie?" I asked quietly.

"Swim meet, I think." Jane whispers back.

Sophie's POV

Luke took off his shirt because he was obviously hot. I mean, the weather, not him. Okay, maybe I meant him. Ugh, when he shook the water out of his blonde hair it was so sexy. Is it possible for someone to be so hot? Even the sweat that poured down his back was falling down in slow and steady motion. I probably looked like a creep but I couldn't help it. He was just so perfect. I was so in awe I didn't even realize he came out of the water and was walking towards me.

"Like what you see?" Luke asked with that cocky grin that made my insides melt.

I didn't even reply. I couldn't say anything. I was making a fool of myself in front of the hottest guy I know. Probably will ever know.

"I'm joking, okay?" He said, obviously noticing my dumbfounded moment.

"Yeah, of course." I say quietly as he walked away.

Stupid! Stupid! Ugh, I'm so stupid!

There goes my chance. If I ever had one.

Jane's POV

"Oh my God, Nate!" I said trying to be quiet while I was laughing.

"I mean, come on, I bet that's what she does in the weekend. Who doesn't love a 40 year old Mexican stripper?" He says not realizing how much he is making me laugh.

My laugh was so annoying and loud, Jesus. No wonder he doesn't like me. Ugh.

Before I could say anything our Spanish teacher, Ms. Rivera, turned around.

"Ms. Elliot and Mr. Maddens, would you like to share what is so funny to the class?" She asks sternly.

Nate and I looked at each other awkwardly trying not to laugh.

Nate gulped. "We were just laughing about how fun it would be to stay afterschool tomorrow and help you clean up the class?" He says trying to get off the charts.

"Well, I'll see you both in your free period tomorrow, then?" She asks with a sort of evil grin.

"Yes." We both reply at the same time.

When she walked away I turned to Nate.

"Ugh, fuck Nate. Mia and I had plans tomorrow to go shopping." I say annoyed at him but not upset. I couldn't get upset with him. Never. But, ugh, come on, getting in trouble at the end of the day. You're smarter than this Nate.

"Sorry, I'll make up for it, okay?" He asked giving me the puppy eyes.

Ugh, his blue eyes were impossible to resist.

"Fine. But you're cleaning the desks!" I say laughing as we get our stuff.

"Fine, loser!" He says bumping in to me gently.

"See you tomorrow, weirdo." I say heading out the doors.

"See you, babe."

I couldn't help but blush as I turned the other way. I actually was excited for tomorrow.

I mean, come on, alone time with Nate. This couldn't have gotten any better.



I hope you all liked it! You got to see a bit of everyone's character, so that's good. Also please follow our official Instagram (@fakeofficial) for this story! Please vote and comment what you think! xx

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