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CONNOR MURPHY trudged down the sidewalk, the humidity and heat of the August air was starting to get the best of him as he walked to school. It was just a little before 12 o'clock, which meant Connor was sure he could slip into school without being noticed since everyone would be on lunch break.

To Rebeca: Honestly from the bottom of my heart I hate u for making me go to school

From Rebeca: sorry not sorry ☹ youre honestly going to regret it if u dont go

From Rebeca: at least i would lol

From Rebeca: but on the bright side now we have smth to talk about if you still want to call tonight?

To Rebeca: Touché

From Rebeca: have a good day:)) text me when u can!

Walking, especially walking to school, was just one of the things on the list of the many things that Connor hated. Zoe had a car - so why couldn't he have one too? It's not like Cynthia and Larry couldn't afford to shell out the money to buy him a car. They just didn't want to. They never wanted to do anything for Connor, unless it meant trying to "fix him" or insisting that he just wants attention.

The lunch bell rang just as Connor arrived on campus and he made his way through the hallways to get to the computer lab. He always opted out of eating lunch in the cafeteria so he can go to the computer lab instead. This was his routine for years now.

Connor always felt like the odd one out, and frankly, he was. To practically the whole student body, Connor seemed so tall and big and full of rage. He always stomped whenever he walked or dragged his feet on the tiles. He always looked like he was just seconds away from shoving anyone who passes by him or causing a scene.

"Hey Connor! Loving the new hair length. Very school shooter chic." greeted Jared Kleinman, the corners of his mouth raised in a very proud and obnoxious grin.

Despite Connor's death glare, the grin on Jared's face didn't disappear. "I was just.. kidding. It was a joke." Jared explained, talking to Connor as if he was dumb and didn't understand English.

"Yeah no it was funny, I'm laughing. Can't you tell." he said with a straight face. "Am I not laughing hard enough for you?" Connor raised his voice, walking closer to where Jared was standing. The sudden change in volume made Evan Hansen, the boy who was standing behind Jared, flinch. Evan was standing there the whole time with a look on his face that made it seem like he had something to say.

"You're such a freak." Jared rolled his eyes before walking away, leaving Evan with Connor.

Evan chuckled nervously at the fact that he was alone with Connor which only made his blood boil even more. "What the fuck are you laughing at?" Connor remarked.


"Stop fucking laughing at me!" Connor shouted, moving his messenger bag to his side as he started walking toward Evan.

"N-no! I-I'm not-" Evan started to defend himself the best he could.

"You think I'm a freak?"

"No, no! I-I d-don't-"

"I'm not a freak!" Connor yelled, starting to walk toward Evan.

"B-but I w-wasn't laughing-" Evan stuttered really quickly. He knew what was coming to him but he felt like his feet were glued to the floor.

"You're the fucking freak!" he shoved Evan as he walked past, causing him to fall on the floor.

REBECA JONES sat down on the bleacher with Calvin, ignoring the blue eyed boy who was waiting for her to speak first.

"Who the hell are you so busy texting?" Rebeca didn't say anything at first. She was too caught up in texting Connor who had just told her about what happened with some stupid boys at school. He seemed really upset and she was extremely worried about it. Rebeca wanted nothing more than to leave school and drive the 3 hours it took to see him just so she could guarantee he didn't do anything dumb.

Calvin looked closely at the contact name on Rebecca's screen. "Connor again? Really?" he said with a laugh and added, "You don't even know if he's a real teenage boy, Becs. He's probably some old man who's trying to groom you so then he can kidnap you later on." Calvin said, a hint of seriousness to his voice. He always encouraged Rebeca to get out more and make more friends, but he didn't mean online friends.

"Don't say that about him." she defended Connor, shooting Calvin a playful glare before turning her attention back to her screen. "I just know he's real. Okay?"

"You can never be too sure..."

4 unread messages

From connor☺: I just got here and this is the worst day of my life Im not even exaggerating

From connor☺: I fucking hate my whole school this is a big joke Im a joke

From connor☺: You know what I don't even care anymore Im over it fuck this shit

From connor☺: Hows ur day been

To connor☺: no connor oh my god dont say that about yourself?? You mean sm to me pls dont ever say that youre not a joke

From connor☺: I said Im over it cant you read

To connor☺: ok sorry just making sure :(( im worried

From connor☺: Dont worry

To connor☺: do u wanna at least talk abt it?

From connor☺: Ill tell u tonight

To connor☺: ok :-)

"End of convo! Now you can finally pay attention to me." Calvin teased, shamelessly reading the texts between Rebeca and whoever the hell this Connor guy was. "Shut up."

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