Chapter 1

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"So, my choices are: join my family in the afterlife or go back to the hellhole where most of my familily and friends are dead," Harry scowled, "well that's a pretty easy choice, isn't it?"

Death stared at the young Potter, contemplating.

"So you don't want to go back there because the ones you love are dead?"

Harry Potter rolled his eyes. "Yes, I thought that was pretty obvious."

"What if they were there with you?"

"Are you proposing to bring my friends back with me?"

"Not exactly."

"Then what the hell are you saying?" Harry snapped.

"I'm saying, Mr. Potter, that I'm offering you to turn back time, and put your soul into a younger version's of yourself's body."


Death rolled his eyes. Not that Harry could see his face anyway. His hood on the robes prevented that.

"Back into the baby body. Memories intact."


"Because Mr. Potter, a lot of people died because of Mr. Riddle. They weren't supposed to die to early. You can go back, destroy the six Horcruxes again, you wouldn't be one anymore, and those people wouldn't die. My sister Fate gets pissed off when those 'Dark Lords' appear. First Grindelwald, then Riddle, giving us headaches."

"And if I don't want to do that Mr.?"

"Reaper, Mr. Reaper." Death shrugged. "Then you can go join your parents, I suppose. My sister and myself thought you'd be jumping at the opportunity."

"Meh, I'm tired of fighting."

"I suppose I can understand that Mr. Potter." Death nodded. 

"How old would I be in my new or old body if I do agree to that?" Harry wanted to know.

"How old would you wish to be Mr. Potter?" Death asked.

Harry thought for a few moments.

"Ten." He decided finally. 

"So you are going through with it?" Death asked waiting for Harry to either to confirm it or deny it.

"Yes, I suppose I am." Harry sighed.

"May I ask why ten Mr. Potter?"

"A baby can't really stop Voldemort, and no matter how much I wish to see my parents again, alive, it would only hurt more if they were killed in front of me again." Harry sighed. "I can do wandless magic before my birthday and prepare more too, I guess. And then there's also the fact that I really don't want to live with the Dursleys for a decade again."

"I am glad that you chose this Mr. Potter. I will remove the Trace from your wand, and the blocks on your magic, when you will get your wand."

"Thank y- what do you mean the blocks on my magic?"

"What I mean, Mr. Potter is that Albus Dumbledore have placed a block on your magic when you were an infant." Harry stared at the Grim Reaper incredously. "It blocked 60% of your magic and he has placed another one, that blocked you natural ability as a metamorphmagus when you were four."

"This it too much." Harry groaned. "Do your magic."

"Yes, well, before I do that, I have to warn you Harry." Death sighed. "When people or even deities mess with time, some things change."

"Change how?" Harry blinked.

"Change like your relatives might me nice to you for some reason, or Ms. Ginny Weasley could be a decade older than you, or Mr. Black might be a baboon animagus."

"...That is mental."

"Yes, well, prepare yourself for anything Mr. Potter." Death coughed uncomfortably. "Goodbye for now Harry Potter."

The Grim Reaper clapped his hands and the darkness surrounded Harry.

He woke up in the cupboard under the stairs at Privet Drive.

"Oh this is gonna be fun!" He muttered. 

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