Chapter Two

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With no clock I have no idea how long I lay on the cold tile floor. I'm pretty sure I'm in some sort of insane asylum. Because this sure as hell isn't a hospital, and apparently I'm a patient of this place.

The Compound.

God, even the name sends shivers down my spine and goosebumps across my skin. How did I end up here?

Maybe I'm actually crazy. I mean, I already don't know who I am, aside from what this card says. If what it says is even true.

I know I've lain here for a while because I watch the lights chase each other across the wall as the sun rises.

I'm thinking that it must be just about morning now when suddenly the fluorescent lights turn on. My eyes slam shut against their brightness, but they immediately pop open again when the steel door clicks.

I watch in horror and anticipation as the now unlocked door slowly swings open. For most of the night I had stared at the door, focusing on the place where a handle should've been.

When nothing happens I slowly stand up, using the bed to balance myself. Inching towards the door I peek my head into the hallway. I'm shocked when I see multiple people in scrubs and slippers identical to mine walking around.

They range in age from children to elderly, but they all have one thing in common aside from the clothes. Each and every one of them wears a dazed look, eyes glazed over. I wonder if I look like that.

Staring at the people as they walk past, I realize that not a single one looks at me. In fact, they don't even look at one another. They just stare at the ground as they shuffle by. I notice something else too. They all seem to be heading to the same place.

Cautiously I step into the hallway, waiting on someone to turn around and scream, pointing out that I don't belong here. But nothing changes. So keeping my eyes towards the ground, I fall into place, shuffling behind an old lady with bright red hair.

Every now and then I flick my eyes upwards to scan the crowd. It's scary how empty they seem.

I almost run into Reds back when they all stop walking. I hurriedly balance myself, not wanting to bring unwanted attention. I can't find a way out of this creepy place if everyone's watching me.

I look around the woman's shoulders and see that everyone has lined up. I'm still pretty far back, but I can see a young woman at the front, handing plastic cups to each person. I can't tell from here what's in them, but I watch as each person tips their head back and swallows the contents.

My heart races in my chest every time I step closer to the woman who appears to be a nurse of some sort. When I'm about five people away from her, I see the name tag hanging from her red scrubs. A red that obviously separates her from the hoards of grey.

Underneath an emblem of some sort and the words 'The Compound' is her name. Coleene. Her tag says she's a nurse from the fifth floor. Reading this I realize that I never saw what was outside the window besides the moon. The bars had been too far up for me to reach, and now it makes since because we're on the fifth floor.

Does that mean every floor is filled with people like this? How many floors does this building have?

The line moves up until it's the old lady's turn. I watch as Coleene smiles at her and Red swallows the mixture of medication. Four pills, all different colors. Orange, green, blue, and yellow.

My palms break out in sweat, and I make sure not to meet Coleenes eyes as she hands me the cup of pills and a small cup of water.

I dump the pills in mouth, but I don't swallow them. I hold them in my mouth and drink the water, pretending to swallow the pills with it. There's no way I'm taking medication for something when I don't even know what they do.

At least I don't intend to. But as soon as I put the water in my mouth the pills begin to dissolve. I try my best to move hurriedly past the nurse into what appears to be a common room without drawing attention. I open my mouth and try to take out the pills, not caring who sees anymore as long I get them out, but they've already disappeared.

I'm not sure how much time has passed when things start to blur. I don't know what those pills are for, but based on my reaction they can't be for anything good.

My chest squeezes tight and my breathing gets shallow. I hurry to take a seat on one of the grey couches. The springs dig into my ass and legs, but I could care less as I struggle to breathe.

I jump as a strong hand clamps down onto my shoulder. I turn my head to see who it is, but I get dizzy. Just as the blurry outline of a person in a white lab coat comes into view, my vision goes black.

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