Chapter Four

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Grey. Everything is grey.

Except for one white spot, three blocks from the floor and two from the right of the steel door.

That one white spot gives me hope. It means this place isn't as invincible as it tries to seem. It's not perfect.

I've been laying here for quite a while now.

After Dr. Thomas  told me what this place is, I hadn't known what else to say. I'd just sat there staring at him. Eventually he'd made a 'hmph' sound then proceeded to tell me I was useless.

Apparently without my memories I'm no longer important to him. It makes me wonder what it is I knew. What information I had of such import.

After he left I just relaxed into the bed and started thinking. Not that I had many choices for how to pass the time.

I am still strapped down after all.

I'm in the process of recounting all of the blocks when the door opens.

"I think you've been in here long enough. How 'bout lunch?" An old nurse wearing those red scrubs with a southern accent walks in.

"Umm..." I'm not sure what to say. I don't know if I'd rather stay here or go into the unknown among all the others.

The nurse, Sheila according to her name tag, stands there looking down at me, hands on hips. Finally she realizes that I can't move whether I want to or not.

"Oh. Of course it might help if I untied you." She reaches towards my wrists first, and I rub at the welts as she undoes my feet. "There's you go, sweetie. C'mon now. You'll miss lunch."

I sit up and slide my feet into my slippers that Sheila sets beside the bed.

Now that she's mentioned food I realize how hungry I am. Before I'd been so worried about being in this place that I'd been too sick to my stomach to even think about eating.

I follow Sheila out of the room and down the hallway. We're following the smell of food, and I'm really hoping it's not shitty. I'll be even more upset about all of this if the food sucks too.

Sheilas blonde and grey hair, up in a bun, bounces slightly as she leads me to the cafeteria. I watch the small shuffle in her step and wonder if it's from old age or some sort of injury.

When we reach the dining hall I immediately start scanning everyone. They all still have that glazed look in their eyes. I wonder if they're all affected by the medicine like I was.

If not that means I'm different, and I'm not sure if that's a good thing.

Sheila stops next to a door, turning to me with a smile. She holds out her left arm to me and gestures for me to follow. With her right she pushes open the door.

Inside the room is as much food as anyone could possibly want. I'm shocked. For a place that seemed so horrible, they feed their 'patients' well.

I still don't trust this place. After all they did drug me, tie me up, and they have the whole weird uniform and brick cell thing. But there's no reason for me not to enjoy what I can.

And I can definitely enjoy this.

I look to Sheila, eyes wide, unsure if this is for real and hoping like hell that it is.

"Pick whatever you like. Usually you're supposed to follow a certain diet, but you've had an eventful morning. I'd say you deserve a nice meal, wouldn't you?" She smiles sweetly at me and I decide that I like her.

She may work in a terrifying place, but that doesn't make her a terrible person. Maybe I've gotten lucky and was given one of the good ones.

I hope it lasts.

Stepping towards the tables lining the walls, I feel my mouth begin to water when I fully accept that this is more than just hope. This is real.

I look at how elegantly the food is set up, very contradictory to the rest of the Compound. The room has two walls lined with tables covered in purple tablecloths. Each set of food is arranged artfully on platters and stands. On the other side of the room is a swinging door that I'm assuming leads into the kitchen.

Grabbing a glass plate from the top of the stack that sits on the first table, I begin piling on everything that catches my eye. First I grab an assortment of fruit, strawberries, kiwi, and some that I don't know the name of but that look incredible. Then I grab meats, vegetables, and even dessert. I get so much that I have to get a second plate, which Sheila kindly offers to carry.

I guess if a place is going to manipulate your DNA the least they could do is feed you well.

When we walk back out into the dining area, most of the tables have emptied. Only a few elderly couples are left, and one small boy who barely looks old enough to feed himself.

Sheila and I sit in the far right corner. All of the tables are made from metal and have attached benches on the side. As soon as I sit down I flinch from the cold seat, but eventually it warms and I dig in.

I barely eat half before I feel close to bursting. I knew I wouldn't be able to eat everything, but I still eat, wanting to get as much of it as possible.

Sheila smiles at my attempts to finish my plates. I can't figure out exactly what the emotions are behind that smile. Pity? Fondness? It's as if she feels bad for me, but at the same time she genuinely cares. It's just another reason that I wonder why she's here. 

Finally I accept that I've reached my limit. Sheila throws away the leftover food and places the plates in one of the baskets that sit beside the trash cans.

"Come. It's movie time." She places her hand on my back and gently leads me back into the hall and turns right. I see some latecomers as they walk into the room before us.

"Movie time?" I can't imagine what this will be. It doesn't seem like this place would be offering movies like we're on some kind of vacation. But this place seems to be full of surprises.

"Yes, you'll see. I'll be here to take you to your appointment afterwards." She gestures to the room, and I see multiple couches and love seats set up in front of a large flat-screen. "Enjoy, sweetie. It's not often that we will have good days like today."

With a sad smile she turns and heads the way we came. I watch her retreat in surprise. I didn't think that someone who worked here would admit to something like that.

Of course, now I wish she hadn't. Because it terrifies me to think this was considered a 'good day'.

With a deep breath I turn and walk into the room, taking a spot in one of the empty love seats.

Let the movie begin.

Photo of Sheila above!

The Compound (Ongoing)Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon