Chapter 1

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Use of Norwegian speech and slangs:

God morgen= Good morning
Lykke til=Good luck
Faen= damn, shit
Mange takk= Thank heaps(a lot)
Spør gud= ask

Use of Aussie Strines/Slang:

Spunk= good looking person
Go troppo= Go crazy
Nurse the baby= look after the baby
Stone the crows= expression of amazement
Tucker= food
Go off like a frog in a sock= go berserk.
Coppa= cop, police officer


Today is a brand new day at Overwatch building. Where recruitment and agents of Overwatch stay and train. Valdus Larsen had become the new recruit of the group of heroes and ex-criminals.

Valdus had woken up in his lonesome room. Since he had become the new edition to the team, he was still settling in. The Norwegian had white messy hair and his eyes were a light pink turning into purple. Though even if he was a support hero. His hero name was still in the process. So he didn't go to many missions just to prevent drawn attention from his already rare appearance.

The Norwegian Support Hero made his way after fixing his appearance to the cafeteria. Where all the ex-criminals and heroes were together to have breakfast.

"God morgen!" Called out the albino as he greeted everyone in particular.

"G'day mate!"Jamison greeted as he and Mako ate their breakfast.

Valdus walked over to get his own plate of food. Hr had grabbed a few Norwegian Blueberry Crepes and some bread with jam, to go with a glass of freshly squeezed orange juice. Being invited over to sit with the Aussies ex-criminals and a few heroes. He took his seat in the free area which was next to Junkrat.

After breakfast everyone headed to their teams for the Training Area. Junkrat couldn't keep his eyes on the spunk small albino boy."Lykke til!" Valdus said as Athena counted down for them to prepare. Valdus had his pair of healing gloves on along with his guns.

The count down stopped as they all began to move out. Though as someone who doesn't posees any flying items Valdus had stayed close to the tank member and defense, Roadhog and Junkrat. Both junkers were fighting off the opposite team. When they had low health they would back away from the enemy so Valdus would heal them.

It didn't take long for them to notice that the second support team member had been targeted. Valdus checked their status on the mission in the training list. The other team was winning due to a 10% more than them.

Junkrat had pulled Valdus with him as Roadhog followed after the pyromaniac who dragged along the small albino.

Valdus's health had dropped drastically due to Hanzo's arrows. Roadhog began to cover Valdus who was slowing down due to his now 20/200 health. Junkrat searched the area for a health pack.

It didn't take long for Sombra who was their team member call out Valdus for the health pack. Junkrat escorted Valdus there quickly after Valdus recovered Roadhog's health.

Making it to the health pack. He quickly embraced it as he recovered plently of his lost health. Making it back to Junkrat and Roadhog after Junkrat had left him with Sombra.

×With Junkrat×

"Oi mate Hog! That healer is rather a spunk!"I called out as Roadhog grunted out his reply. "Let's go troppo!" I added as a began to so my ultimate. Taking off RIP-tire from my back and starting it. I pushed it forward to our enemies. Seeing the now healed Valdus come back to us but keep his space to not receive such damage. I watched as Tracer blinked through the area to fight off Hanzo who targeted our healers mostly.

It was as if we nurse the baby! Which would make sense since Valdus appeared more childish than a young adult.

"Faen!" Valdus's native tongue rolled out a cursed word which had drawn my attention to the slightly injured boy.

I scowled at Hanzo who soon got temporary kill. Mercy had made her way over to cure Valdus who thanked her in his native tongue.

"Mange takk!" I heard him say as Mercy nodded and went off to heal Tracer.

That bot system Athena had cut us off with the announcement of the winner team which happen to be us. Everyone cheered as they posed for the camera along with us.

Making our way for lunch, Roadhog and I silently chattered behind the rest of the heroes and Sombra.

"It may as well stone the crows don't ya think mate?"I asked Roadhog. "It may as well."He replied in his deep and raspy voice." Ready to get some tucker?!"I said loudly.

The sound of a light laughter caught us off guard. Valdus had stopped to laugh at my outburst. His voice seemed like a Sheila's voice.

It was rather a very strong and elegant voice after all.

"Oi mate, mind if I ask you a question?"I asked loudly as I made my way more closer to the smaller Norwegian boy. "Spør gud" I heard him say. Though even if I had talked to him since his arrival here. I'm pretty proud at my knowledge of the strines Valdus used.

"Have you ever go off like a frog in a sock?"I askes him. Who looked surprised at the question.

×With Valdus×

When Junkrat asked me that. I looked at him surprised. Not because it was an odd question. But because it seemed strange to him that I had ever gotten out of control. After all I am just a young adult like him who was just twenty-five at the moment. Rather I, am just twenty-two.

"Of course I have. I mean after all we all have our rebellion moments or out of control ones no?"I replied with a grin. Junkrat seemed rather amazed at the answer. Which seemed like a acceptable one as well. The three of us made our way to the cafeteria.

×With Roadhog×

If Valdus Larsen, dared to cause such destruction to Jamison. I wouldn't mind pulling him into a game of footy. Wont that be pleasant?

If I had to be taken by a coppa because of that. I don't think I would mind much.

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