Chapter 2

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Use of Norwegian Slang/Words:
Takk= Thank

×With Valdus×

Lunch was just a regular cheeseburger with french fries. As for dessert was just ice cream. After that I went ahead to the other training room.

Walking there I began to list who I knew most and who I had yet to know. Did I honestly believed I knew people the most? It really wasn't a big deal but to be exact. I never had gotten close to many people. Norge was rather a calm already where not much chaos was created.

What kind of name should I decide on? If I plan to be an official agent here. I must have a name. Angela had an amazing name Mercy. Jack had Soldier 76. It was kinda an odd name.

Breaking out of my trace I realized I went to the wrong area. Jævla fantastik.

I breathed deeply as I retraced my own steps back. Thought it seemed as if I took another wrong turn as I ended up more lost than I was already. If only Zenyatta would appear as I began to feel troubled by the endless looking halls of the building. It's as if I had gotten lost on purpose. I was just going to go use the treadmill and work on my speed.

I huffed as I continued to walk. My light steps were heard throughout the halls. No hero at sight.

"Athena?" I asked out loud. But I received no answer.

I stopped walking as I looked at my equipment. I had changed my gloves to my casual fingerless ones. I still wore my suit in case of a mission. Though I wouldn't be able to get to the main area so quickly since I'm so lost. I should had asked for a virtual map. My watch wasn't activated yet so I couldn't use that.

Though I began to feel as weight began to gain on me the more I walked. It was too quite. This place, this area was too quite for me. Do I really have frykt?Was it sedatephobia acting up? The fear of silence. I wasn't sure. Though I felt very....very ivrig.

My heart began to pump drastically as I started to walk in a hurry. In which turned to a full out run. My pants were heard as I felt at the same time as if darkness was pulling me into a silent box.

Through out it all, as I kept on going I had become blind to what was in front of me. Bumping into someone making us roll a bit on the floor. I received a huge impact due to the wall.

"Ugh...."I let out between breaths. My eyes closed as I regained every sense of my body.

When I opened my eyes I was met up with the eyes of Junkrat who was the victim of the crash that I had caused. Roadhog had pulled the man up as Junkrat offered a hand at me.

"Bedrøvet!"I exclaimed as I was pulled up."I wasn't watching where I was going. Are you alright Junkrat?"I asked as he let out a loud chuckle.

"I had told ya mate to call me Jamison or Jamie.  But yeah I'm as good as can be. What about ya? Ya did hit ya self very hard no? Stone the crows to see ya in such a state in which ya seem about alright."Junkrat, erm Jamison said as he fixed his pulled up attire. I gazed at Roadhog who seemed to dig his stare into me.

"I'm alright. Nothing broken, it'll pass in a few minutes."I said running my hand over my messed up hair."Takk the goddess you're alright. Would had been a bad thing if I caused any harm."I added as I sighed in relief.

"Ya heard that Hoggie? Lil' Valdus worried about lil' 'ld me!"Jamison said as Mako responded to the other Junker very quiet.

I was rather relieved to had find the loudest people ever to relax. Even if I did get a little hurt.

"Oi mate! Valdus ya seemed in such a rush as to cause that. Something up?"Jamison asked as he leaned his head to a side.

"Ah no I'm fine."I lightly laughed."Just got a little lost and became desperate to find an area I was familiar with. Though this area...I have no clue about either."I said looking around.

"Ya get used to it soon. Where were ya heading?"Jamison asked as I turned to face them.

I told them where I was intentionally going to.

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