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Amelia was 18.
She had just graduated Central High School with a 4.0 and offers from colleges everywhere asking for her to tour their campuses. She was the smartest girl in her class, she was also very popular. She had guys lining up to go on a date with her, and nobody could blame them.. she was perfect in every way. Red hair, Dark blue eyes, Short but had a gorgeous figure. Every girl was jealous. But she wasn't just known for her looks, she was also known for dating a lot of guys and having sex with a lot of them... and it was all true.

But this isn't high school anymore. This is real life and none of that mattered, all she wanted to do is have a clean slate. She wasn't about to be known as a prissy, popular girl who slept around whatsoever. She had one summer to decide what college she was going to, one summer to get her life on track. Her original plan was Harvard, but then Yale suddenly came into the picture, then so did Stanford, Princeton, and Duke! So this was it.
One summer to decide all of this,
And she wasn't going to let anything get in her way of success. Especially not a guy. But unfortunately that is exactly what happened...

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