Chapter 22

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Third POV

Percy woke up, yawning and rolling over slowly, face going into James's chest. He blinked, looking up at the sleeping face and blinking.

"James?" he whispered. "What are you doing here?"

"You called me. So I came over."

Percy frowned, sitting up and pulling away.

"What...what happened?"

"You mean last night?"


"Well...we're together again."

"I...I don't remember any of this."

James sat up quickly, blinking. "Percy, what medication are you on?"

"I dunno...its on my desk."

James walked over, looking at the prescriptions. He sighed. "Memory loss is a side affect of this one..."



"I...I wasn't myself last night..."

"I know that now. Maybe we should just give us a break? You weren't yourself and you probably need more time..."

Percy nodded, thankful James understood.

"I'll be leaving now," the taller boy said, leaving quietly.

A little later, Percy crawled out of bed. He grabbed some new clothes, pulling them on. It was a simple white tee shirt and black skinny jeans. He pulled on his converse, walking out of his room.

"Hey kiddo!" Tony shouted, grinning.

Heads turned to see him standing there.

"Why so dressed up?" Natasha questioned.

"I'm going to go to the park," he muttered, grabbing an apple.

"Not alone, you aren't," Steve butted in.

Percy glared, but seeing Bruce's worried face, it softened.

"Fine." He asked Charlie to get his butt to the tower in his mind. Sure enough, Charlie appeared, Danny with him.

"DADDY!" Danny screamed, running over. Out of instinct, Percy knelt, the little boy crashed into him, arms around his neck.

"Hey baby," Percy whispered.

"Missed you," he whimpered.

", I missed you too." Percy stood, wincing quickly, and held his offspring. Danny buried his face in the crook of Percy's neck.

"What did you want?" Charlie asked Percy.

"Danny. I'm going to the park and now I have to have someone with me. I choose the child!"

Steve glared. "When I said you had to have someone I meant-"

"Someone strong and buff. Yeah I know. But Danny's pretty strong. Have you seen the muscle on this kid!?"

Danny giggled, arms around his dad's neck, legs around his waist.

"Either way Steve, I'm going out."

Steve nodded after a few seconds of silence. "You know I'm not happy about this-"

"Well I don't care," the boy cut him off. "I'm leaving. Bye."

He carried Danny to the elevator, setting him down. Danny held onto Percy's hand, grinning widely up at him.

***Percy's POV***

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