Chapter 37

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Third POV

When Reece woke, the teen was gone, no trace of him. Frowning, he dialed the teen's number. He didn't pick up.

So he called the parents.


A cold rim of glass pressed against his lips, the bitter liquid slowly made its way down his throat.

A warm hand gently pried his fingers open, then took the glass bottle of murky liquid and set it down beside them.

Eyes cast low, he couldn't meet his friend's eyes. The brown haired teen with green eyes rubbed his back with one hand, combing through his hair with the other.

No words were spoken, but all was said by their bodies.

Despair, pain, anger and agony rolled off the black haired teen. And the other could tell.

Sitting on the ledge of the apartment building Davis lived in, the two were silent.

The brown haired teen stood slowly, backing away from the unguarded ledge. Holding out a hand, the black haired teen took it.

They walked into the apartment, going to Lloyd's room. Percy flopped next to him on the bed, moving so he could rest his head on the other's stomach.

A hand slowly ran through Percy's hair.

They stayed that way for a while.

"It was my fault my friend and his boyfriend broke up," Percy whispered loudly enough for the other to hear.

Lloyd sat up, pulling him up too. Arms snaked around the black haired teen's waist. Tears fell from Percy's eyes.

Gentle and soft pink lips danced across Percy's lips slowly. Arms wrapped around the shorter boy's neck.

Eyes closed, the two confided in each other, slowly becoming one in the most intimate way.

After a while, they laid naked in each other's embrace. Arms strewn across each other. Covered in their own juices, they snuggled.

"Nobody has to know," Lloyd whispered and so nobody was going to find out.

So they laid there quietly, arms around the smaller boy's middle. Face in his chest, the black haired teen mumbled words into his skin.

"Why does it hurt so much?" The taller whispered.

The brown haired teen knew he was referring to Maxine and his ex.

"Because you care so much. That's why."

And in a twisted, vague way, it made the most obvious sense.

They left the conversation at that.


When Percy returned to the tower, he found it hard to meet anyone's eyes.

Of course they all noticed but didn't say a word.

Until Tony came in.

At the dinner table, they all sat making small talk. Danny was with Charlie and Sean for the night.

"Why are you acting so weird?" Tony questioned, making Percy look at him.

"I don't know. Why're you such a jackass?"

It went silent.

Because the last they all knew, Tony and Percy were still good--no problems or anything.

His phone buzzed.

He glanced at the message. He opened it.

Cody found out.

Are you okay???

He didn't hurt me. But...he told Sean. And Sean's heading your way.


Percy bolted out of the room without another word. He stopped hastily as the elevator dinged.

Sean stood there, fuming.

"Let me explain!" Percy shouted, grabbing his arm and yanking him into a room, then locked the door.

The Avengers, alarmed, ran to the room.


"-when I'm talking to you!"

"For the love of God-"

"-keep your fucking hands to yourself."

"Didn't ask for-"


It went silent for a moment.

"-me that again you bitch."

"You're a fucking manwhore!"

There was a loud crash, followed by what sounded like glass shattering.

"You have no fucking right!"

"Your mother would be ashamed of you-"

"And what the hell would you know about my mom!?"

"More than you."

"How do you know my mom!?"

"Because I'm your god damn brother! That's why!"


Footsteps paced back and forth.

"No. No you're not. That isn't true. You're a liar."

"I was three when you were born. I was there."

"You're lying. Stop it!"

"I knew dad."

"...what was he like?"

"Tall, had black hair and green eyes. Bright smile."

True to what he claimed that their father looked like, they both shared the same looks.

"Where were you?"

"Dad sent me to live with Chaos, something about protecting you from me..."

"We...we're brothers?"


"So...You're Danny's uncle."

"I am, huh?"

"Yeah...I'll be an uncle if you ever have kids..." Percy took a minute die that to sink in. "I'll be an uncle soon."

The door opened. A vase was in pieces next to Sean. A cut on Percy's hand. James walked in swiftly, grabbed Percy by the good hand and pulled him aside.

"What is happening?" Worry was evident in his voice.


"Percy, tell me. I won't be mad."

"I slept with Lloyd."

James pursed his lips, nodding slowly. "It's not going to happen again, right?"

"Of course not."

"Alright. Then as far as I'm concerned, it never happened."

Percy signed out of relief, hugging James tightly. James hugged back, then remembered Percy's cut. He went to the bathroom, getting a cotton ball of alcohol and a band aid. They sat on his bed as James tenderly and slowly cleaned the wound.

"Ow," he winced when the alcohol hit. James frowned. Then the band aid went around it. James smiled, kissing his forehead going to throw away the used supplies but was stopped when Percy grabbed his wrist. Percy pulled him down on the bed so they could kiss.

Hands roamed freely around each other.

There was a knock on the door.

They pulled away from each other.

"Who is it?" Percy asked.

"Octagon for the win!" the voice replied.

Percy scrambled to the door, flinging himself at his friend he hasn't seen in ages.

Oh boy, more competition, James thought bitterly. 

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