Chapter Three

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iii.| Opening Night Pt 1

To say I wasn't nervous would be a lie.

"Just be yourself and smile, you'll charm everyone that walks in for sure." Molly spoke encouragingly through the phone, and I smiled to myself whilst fixing my shirt. The only person I truly hoped to impress was my boss, the man who had dominated my thoughts.

"Yeah, you're right, I'm overthinking...." I replied after contemplating her words. "But hey, listen, I'm about to go in so I've got to get off here."

I heard her sigh, "Yeah, yeah okay. But call me as soon as you get off to give me the juicy details!"

I rolled my eyes and hung up, dropping my phone into the purse hanging off my shoulder as I pulled the door open, stepping inside. The fresh, cool air hit my skin, a relief from the heat of the sun.

Jeffrey noticed me walk in with a bright smile, waving me over to where he was standing along with two others. "Leia, come meet the rest of the crew."

This couldn't possibly be all the employees he had hired. Surely there were still some missing. I continued to ponder as I approached.

"Hey, I hope I'm not too early." I spoke softly, looking over at the clock to find it was still fifteen till six.

Jeffrey quickly shook his head. "No, not at all, actually perfect timing." he assured, his deep, smooth voice relaxing, keeping me calm as I stood there.

"That's good then," I smiled once I replied, and he chuckled, scratching at the scruff on his chin.

"This is Brenna...." he paused so I could put a face to the name "....and Levi. I know there's only three of you, but I plan to hire more people once I know how business will be."

Nodding in understanding, I looked over my two coworkers, who both gave me a welcoming smile. Brenna was on the chubbier side, with fade blue hair, and bright green eyes that lit up her otherwise pale face. Levi was rather dull compared to Jeffrey, with his tanned complexion and dark hair, no doubt having Native American roots.

"Anyways, let's get started." Jeffrey clapped his hands together and rubbed them together. "Leia, you're at the bar tonight. Remember take it slow, and don't stress over it."

I nodded my head, smiling at the encouragement in his voice, turning to go collect what I would need for the night. I kept repeating Molly's words in my head:

Just be myself and smile.

A/N grammar mistakes will be fixed. Leave a vote and please let me know what you think.

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