Chapter Four

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iv.| Opening Night Pt 2

This was easier than I'd originally expected.

"Welcome to The Pit! What can I get you tonight?" I cheerfully greeted the third customer to approach the bar that night.

It was understandable to me why the bar had been named The Pit, as it was carefully wedged between two other stores with a stairway that led to the entrance, and the inside was rather dim even with the lights.

"Just two beers," the man ordered as he retrieved his wallet from the back pocket of his jeans, quickly showing me a form of identification so I could proceed in getting the drinks.

"You seem to be doing well," Jeffrey's smooth voice filled my ears a few minutes later, and I turned my head just in time to see him stepping back behind the counter.

Flashing him a dimpled smile I nodded. "Oh yeah, no problems yet, but that could all change soon given my luck." I added the last part playfully, and he chuckled in amusement.

"I don't see any broken glass yet, maybe things are looking up." he teased with a wide grin, referring back to my embarrassing failure the day before.

I rolled eyes and let out an exaggerated sigh, laughing before I replied. "I'm not gonna live that down am I?"

"Of course not, sweetheart, gives me an excuse to see you blush." His reply was instant, and my laughter subsided as I took in his words. I was blushing like fool and he'd taken notice.

"Right," I breathed out, trying to play it cool, as if his words hadn't affected me in the slightest.

Oh, this man would be the end of me.

A/N a little shorter of a chapter, but now worries, there will be few throughout the story but the content will be worth it.
I just need a few things:

-Let me know what you expect is going to happen!

-Leave a vote!

-Would love some feedback as it helps me progress!

-And as a ship name I've chosen JEIA
(not really a request...but yeah)

[all grammar mistakes (if any) will be corrected when I'm able]

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 23, 2017 ⏰

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