Chapter Three and Four

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 Prophecy of the Flame - Copyright 2011 by Lynn Hardy

Chapter Three

Jamison delivers his professional diagnosis: Prince Alexandros will make a full recovery. The others rejoice while I scramble to gather my scattered wits. Come on, Rebecca; get it together. It’s not like you’ve never received a compliment before. Besides, you’re married. Remember! How can you let a gorgeous set of eyes and a come-on line affect you like this?

Hands trembling, it takes a conscious effort to still them and calm my racing heart. Now I know there’s something else that needs doing. Oh, yeah, thank God I have that improved memory.

Recovering my senses, I notice Prince Alexandros has been delivered back to his bed. Only the royal family and Merithin remain. The trio is engrossed in an animated discussion. The rest of the visitors from Earth are clumped together in a corner like a herd of frightened sheep.

A few long strides bring me to them. “Jamison, didn’t the prince mention something about over two hundred wounded? You don’t have the strength to heal them all, but I was thinking: How long will it take to teach the basic technique to a group of physicians already trained in the mundane herbal methods?”

“With the gift and some knowledge of how the body works, it wouldn’t take long. Once I show them how to access magic, I could demonstrate on a couple of the patients with them following along. Most would be able to pick up enough of what’s needed to stabilize the majority of the injured.” Jamison’s brow furrows. “But they’ve never heard of using magic for healing. Surely if someone had the gift, they would have figured out how to use it by now.”

Words come fast and quick in my excitement. “I studied your link with Princess Szeanne Rose. There’s a barrier set around her inner reservoir of power. Something is restraining her magic, yet it still let you access it. I’m betting with the right spell, I can bring down the obstruction. Then the princess can detect and use her own gift.”

Jamison gets a second wind of enthusiasm. “Well, what are we standing around here for? Lives may be lost with each minute wasted! Allinon, do you feel up to breaking down another batch of food for a healing potion?”

“I can do better than that.” Allinon smirks. “Reba wasn’t the only one paying close attention to our first healing session. I watched the way you handled that AV. It’s similar to how I broke down the food. If there are any more people suffering from that malignancy, my druid skills will exorcise it.”

Without a backward glance, Allinon strides to where the prince, princess, and Merithin stand. The king must have left for the council meeting. I follow. Failing to wait for royal acknowledgment, our leader interrupts the conversation, “Pardon me, Prince Zam-zes? You mention having other wounded?”

A look of surprise steals across the prince’s face. The rebel in me delights in seeing the royal façade of total confidence broken, even if it is just for a minute.

Prince Szames rushes his words in his haste to assist. “Yes, of course. The wounded are being kept in the new barracks where the healers can better tend to them.” The prince turns to me. “Milady Archmage Reba, should I have another tub of food assembled?”

“Another tub is exactly what I have in mind.” I dart a glance in Allinon’s direction. I fight a smile when I see the elf’s irritated grimace. “Something to transport the healing potion would be useful as well.”

Allinon jumps in, “Your physicians are another thing I wish to discuss with you. With your permission, Reba may be able to help your people access their gift so they will be able to heal as Jamison does. Princess, I believe you have a somatic affinity. If you wish, Reba can open up the channels to release the gift you have within you. You have knowledge of herbal healing and how the human body works. Jamison will be able to teach you the basics of wielding your magic, making it possible for you to assist him in healing the wounded.” His speech is halted with the openmouthed surprise of Princess Szeanne Rose. Her lack of composure is not at all humorous, for she does not attempt to regain it.

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