The Park

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3 hours later found the three of us sitting under a tall tree in a park. It was drizzling, and the three of us had sprinted to the tree in panic. I leaned against Thea and Roy put an arm around her, pushing me away, reminding me that I was third wheeling on a (not really) date.

"So, what now?" I asked.

"Ice cream?" Thea suggested. I smiled at her and got up. Grabbing Roy' hand, I hobbled off. Thea shouted at me from the tree as she clambered to her feet.

Roy stopped and pulled me backwards towards Thea. I groaned, stoping to stare at Thea.

"Crutches?" She asked, offering them to me.

"Oh! My lord and savior has saved me! All hail Thea Queen!" I shouted. People looked at me weird.

"I'm hungry" Roy piped up. "Anyone up for Big Belly Burger?"

"Starving" Thea said. "Let's go"

"But I thought we were going for ice cream!!!" I whined.

"After" Thea muttered.


We sat at a window table in Big Belly Burger. The drizzle from the park had developed into a downpour and most of the patron in the restaurant were soaked. I watched Thea and Roy interact for a bit, envying the relationship the two had.

A voice from behind me startled me out of my trance. "And I thought you were home"

My father rounded the table and slid into the seat next to me. I sighed. "I thought you hated fast food"

"I do. I also hate when my daughter doesn't answer her phone"

"So you tracked me?" I scoffed. "Wow, you have so much trust in me, dad"

Roy fidgeted uncomfortably. "Thea, how about we go order more fries?" He tugged Thea away from us. She didn't protest.

My father and I sat in silence for a few moments. I chomped on a fry in hopes my father would go away. He didn't.

"So" my father fidgeted and cleared his throat. "How's the leg?"

"Are you nervous?"

"You didn't answer my question"

"You didn't answer mine"

"How. Is. Your. Leg?" He demanded.

"Fine" I muttered. "Why are you here?"

"Maverick, I... ummm... I made a mistake, Maverick. And I'm sorry. But I think it might be best for you to leave Starling City for a bit. Like, at least until June... Just go see the world and have adventures and make some memories on your own. And then, when I get my problems worked out. I'll call you and you can come back" My father begged. "And I'll pay for everything and arrange everything and all you'll have to worry about is getting from place to place"

"Why?" I challenged. "What kind of mistake have you made that is so bad that you need me to run and hide for my own safety?"

"Maverick, please"

"No. I have school" I protested. He stared at me in shock. I glared at him. "You should go"

"Alright, Mavi"


He walked off and Thea and Roy returned.

"What was that all about?" Thea asked.

"Absolutely nothing"

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