Chapter Eight

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Nina's p.o.v

We snuck out of the guest room window where Austyn was staying. It was easier then climbing out of my bedroom given it was right by the fence.

Austyn for once was being nice but I didn't fall for way in hell was the hot Spanish bad boy nice them two words just don't go together, bad boy and nice.

I had no idea where we were going for all I know he could take me to get killed or worse, to get ice cream. Now I love ice cream but again bad boy and ice cream don't fit together.

We got to his car and drove away quickly I fixed my eyes to the nature the moved past the vehicle. I popped up my head with my arm and started to close my eyes.

"Nina we're here." Austyn claimed slowing down. I peeled my eyes open again only to see a hill with cars and lit buildings below.

"It's absolutely beautiful."I mumbled more to myself then him.

" I come here to clear my head, or shout, or curse. I do a lot of the swearing." He added chuckling afterwords.

"I've never seen anything like it." I stated smiling a little.

I really haven't the way the cars go by on the highway and how all the tall skyscrapers and fast food places, and stores and restaurants lit up was amazing. It was like in a movie almost a really like heart lighter movie or something. And at that moment I felt safe.

"I've been meaning to ask you." Austyn said fidgeting around with his fingers over the ledge on the hill.

I looked up at him and nodded for him to go on.

"Do you want to go get dinner tomorrow. You know at a restaurant."

I hung my mouth open and went speechless. fuckfish,shitballs. If he asked me out it could be just a prank or a setup. But it seemed real he seemed serious. But that's always when they get you. I mean I could be wrong. Then again I could be right,but my uncle could will be being after.

"Like a date?" I asked standing upright.

"Well sorta,yeah but it don't have to be." He said nervously rubbing his neck. That was kinda adorable.

Shut it Nina, he's the bad boy

"I'd love to but, my stepdad wouldn't be very happy." I whispered the last part.

"What is it with your stepdad, why is he so controlling you're not dating him, you're not having see with him and he's just you're stepdad. Princessa you can't let him control you." He said looking at me.

"But I'm scared Austyn, I'm terrified of what will happen, because of my stepdad." I side letting tears sting the back of my eyes. Austyn looked confused as he pushed a strand of hair out of my face.

"Scared of what?" He asked.

"Nothing I've side to much anyway, can we just go home now."


The ride home was quiet. Every few seconds Austyn would look at me for a second then frown. Most the time I was staring out the window or at my lap.

We walked in through the house with the spare key under the mat. Ignored the fact that my stepdad was still on the couch and walked up two floors to my bedroom.

I almost blurted it out how can I be so stupid. I got out of my current clothes to get into my pajamas. I was done, finally I can crawl in bed and get some sleep.


Hey sorry for the short chapter and long period of uploading

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Also what do u think Austyn was actually going to do .

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