Churning Tides

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They were called Charybdis. Modern day Spartans, all ferocity and wickedness. The gang I had been considering, suddenly seemed very afraid. I could tell instantly, I had just met someone who could strike fear into the people they met. They had rushed the building, using my arrival as a distraction to enter and overwhelm.
"Hey there, Jimmy, seems its time to pay up." The large man with scars crowning his skull smiled menacingly. "We gave you time, we gave you money, and we gave you weapons. Now what do we get in return? Apparently nothing." Jimmy laughed nervously,
"Sam. Can I call you Sammy, please, we will give you anything, hell, just before you arrived, this girl right here-" I felt the need to wave awkwardly at the Paul Bunion of a man, "She claims she can give riches beyond our wildest dreams." All eyes turned expectantly towards me, some even already nearly at laughter at how a young girl like me could provide them with the wealth of a king.

"I can prove it though." I said, my voice only shaking just a bit towards the end. But I couldn't let them know my fear quite yet. I stretched out my hand, eyes shut tight, turning my palm upwards. I felt the ground rumble beneath my feet as if we stood on the throat of a roaring dragon. The ground bubbled and spat, and I could hear the gasps and whispers as men backed away from me and the geyser growing at my feet. Then it came, molten gold spilled into the ground and I had to dance away to avoid losing my shoe, "I'm sorry I didn't mean to bring it up hot." I grunted, hiding my other hand in my pocket to hide the stony grey climbing my arm like a glove.

It was all silent, then Charybdis pulled out their guns and began to mow down the other gang. No questions asked. It was a massacre as well as a shooting range, and I was unsure if Charybdis was enjoying this or not. In one fell swoop, it was nearly silent. The man named Sam clamped his large hand gently to my shoulder and let me outside once again.
"The boss will decide what to do with you." He grumbled quietly, the terror in his voice at the mention of his boss sent a shiver down my spine. What had I gotten myself into?

The trip inside the unmarked van was filled with tense silence. Many men seemed spiteful, possibly thinking of me as a metahuman  or an alien who could kill them all in an instant. I closed my eyes and hoped for a dreamless sleep. And thus, a gift from God as I finally slept without dream.

I awoke with a start as Sam shook me awake. For an intimidating bodybuilder-esque man, he was gentle and careful. It was comforting to think about. I arose, squinting as the door opened. It was a giant complex of factories on the water, once abandoned and scratched off the map, now thrumming with life and bustling bodies, as if they weren't a gang but a large militia. A lighthouse blazed overhead, glaring it's harsh light round and round. Sam made sure I didn't wander off, curious at the headquarters I hadn't known existed for the 2 years of living in Gotham. It was a decent walk to reach the captain's quarters, to which they made me stand outside. Again waiting for someone to come and talk to me about what I can do for them. Nervously I shifted from foot to foot, expectant and hopeful. And so the door opened, revealing a tall man, looking irritable.
"Who is this?" He demanded, turning back to Sam, "This isn't the weaponry or the money back. Who is she?" Sam raised his hands in defense, not meeting his eyes.
"She's better than the money or weapons back. She is a walking ATM, I promise sir." He mumbled yet again. Again the man's gaze fixed upon me, scrutinizing. It made me squirm, for this man's eyes were unnatural, the whites black as pitch and his pupils a murky teal like the uniforms of his men.
"Prove it then. Show me how she's a walking ATM machine." He didn't believe Sam at all. As if I was just going to show them a parlor trick. I felt the anger well up inside me, and clenched my hands into fists. I lifted one hand, forcing the ground to rumble aggressively.
"I believe you are underestimating me." The whisper of worry in the back of her mind that had been warning her about the curse disappeared, replaced with a chant that echoed through her. Show them. Show them what you can do. With a grunt, she punched upwards towards the sky, and straight from the ground a wall of emerald pierced the flooring and stood valiantly like a shield in front of her. Proud of the work she tried to step forward to admire the gems, only to find she couldn't take a step forward. up to the middle of her shin, the leg had turned to stone. Frantic to hide her weakness, she stood as if she hadn't moved at all and could only hope she would turn back before she had to walk again.
"Interesting," the man said softer now, his long curly hair falling slightly into his eyes. He seemed less cruel, more considerate. "So you want something in return? I can get you many things. Weapons, drugs, even illegal animals if you so choose?" He watched me calculating, and I realized whatever I would do would impact what happened to me next, and so I met his gaze with my own, raising my chin to instill confidence in myself.

"I... If I'm honest with you, I just want to feel safe again."

"Well you came to the wrong place, considering our line of work." He drawled slowly, his brow furrowing in thought. I quickly shook my head,
"I'm not in a position to be picky , nor am I capable at finding someone else at the moment, so I guess I'll just have to suck it up and deal with it." With a nod and a small reassuring shrug, this man who struck fear into the heart of the men who worked under him actually smiled,
"Well then, nice for you to join us. I am Sebastian Vargas. Welcome to Charybdis."

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