Boring Rules

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As much as I wanna say SCREW THE RULES! I can't sadly :( so here we are!

(1) NO Mary or Gary Sues


(2) You can tag me 3 times if I don't respond within 5 hours, after that please don't tag me

(3) no spamming!

(4) no God mode and no OP. If you try to make your character like this you will have to make a new form!

(5) you can cuss, I don't really care

(6) Don't try to make your character irresistible! 

(7) I don't know if I'm gonna do smut so please ask first :3

(8) hate on the charecter! Not me plez

 (9) I can't text In pm, sorry!

(10) fill out the forms before starting!

(11) if your talking out of rp use ( ) { } [ ]《 》

(12) don't use short words like "I gtg lol, ttyl though" I will stab you if you do this -_- jk! I won't do that

(13) try to spell right, I get auto correct and I don't spell right but PLEASE try your best!

(14) don't role play like

NO: love you! *I hug him/her and kiss them. Then I run away*

NO: Lynn: *I grab him and hug him*

YES: Lynn hugged him tightly as she smiled at his cuteness "Love you" she smiled and looked at him

(15) use some Grammer man

(16) you can ask questions if you want!

(17) don't kill my charecter!

(18) ask May i? Before role-playing

 (19) don't try to force yourself on my character please

(20) Have fun! Or I'll make you -_- XD

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