Something that's beginning to piss me off :)

47 4 11

So, I am loosing it little by freaking little. You need to wait 1 hour or 5 hours to tag me! Read da damn rules! It's starting to piss me off. If I don't see the notification, I will ask you in pm if you replied! Like fuck! I'm bringing to rage and it's not pretty! So wait 1 HOUR TO TAG ME, AND I CAN SEE IF YOU TRY TO PULL SOME SHIT LIKE RE-TYPE THE MESSAGE IN 20 OR SO MINUTES AND PRETEND YOU DIDN'T RESPOND FOR THAT LONG JUST TO GET ME TO RE-FREAKING-SPOND TO YOUR COMMENT! I FEEL LIKE CHOKING SOMEONE! SO IF THIS HAPPENS ANYMORE I SWEAR IT'S GONNA PUSH ME OVER THE EDGE! I'M SORRY IF I DON'T REPLY RIGHT AWAY! I CAN'T BE ON WATTPAD 24/7!

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