The Cold Hearted

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Name: he just growled at you (Lance)

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Name: he just growled at you (Lance)

Age: "Go away" Lance growled (16)

Gender: "you serious?" (MALE)

Sexuality: "e-excuse me?!" (Bi)

Species: "Demon" he glares at you

Powers: "GO away" (Demon Powers)

Looks: "im right infront of you dumbass" (the picture above)

Personality: "tsk, guess" he growled (Lance is very cold hearted, Mean, and stubborn when you meet him. But when you get to know him, he can be a softy, nice, and he might actually open up to you)

Likes: "nothing" (surprisingly he actually likes Cake and sweet things, along with some sources things. He likes playing guitar and being alone most of the time)

Dislikes: "....." (family, school, colorful things, PINK)

Scenario 1

You were walking in one of the hallways in your high-school.  There was a boy cursing under his breath and you bumped into him, causing you both to fall over, you falling on him. He growled "what the hell?!"


Scenario 2 

Make it up

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