Chapter 1

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A hand pressed into the skull. A sharp crack filled the silence. Blood oozed warm and fresh out of the new wound, a deep growl echoing through the cave.


A creature plummeted out, into the starry night. It shook its gigantic mane, lifted an enormous paw, and smacked the skull clear across the open field, where it thudded to the earth and shattered. The creature was hungry. Saliva leaked from its incisors, its red tongue hung out of his mouth like a limp hand.

The moon shivered. Two birds flew out in the distance. A shot rang out. The creature lurched and rocketed toward the sound of the shot. Another shot launched out, grazing the beasts shoulder. It howled in pain, it's forepaw gave out and it stumbled, bowing to a stop. A growl stuck deep in the creatures throat. It was angry. It lurched forward still, coming closer to where the bullet was fired. It could smell the bitter scent of gunpowder residue, and felt the vibrations under the earth. Then it caught scent of something else, and it half whimpered, half growled. It barked, but nothing happened. It barked again. Then it halted.

Some one was whistling. The creature shook its grizzly head close to the ground. It knew. That's where the stench came from. It was walking and whistling, and it was out to get him. The creature growled fiercely. It saw an outline and attacked it, only to learn it was gone. The hair on his back prickled and the nails were extended. With elongated teeth he bit into a tree, crushing it simply, then howling in pride. Howling as a warning. Then it ran.


They found the woman's body on the doorsteps. Blood inking its way across the stone. Her children were in their bedrooms, mangled bodies, still in bed. The husband was in another room, shotgun found under his body. What appeared to be a man walked through the scene, sniffing the air and holding in a snarl. It was too early to have had reports made, it was too dark, and the city too noisy. Out on the front porch, he lifted the woman's body and carried it through the house, out to the back yard, laying her in a fire pit. Then he went back for the children, husband next. The piled bodies were then drenched in gasoline, and disposed of. A female was out front, quickly scrubbing the floor with a mixture of bleach and water. She hosed the steps down, but the rest would have to be destroyed. The male walked through, dripping gasoline only on the blood. The woman was long gone by now. The man lit a match in the hallway, and ran outside. Because the surrounding houses were two stories tall and a bit of distance away, and because it was so late, the fire would go unnoticed. It would eventually burn itself out, or it would grow big enough to send out alarm.

The man pulled his jacket closer to his body and buttoned it once. He stopped walking and raised his head.

A boy of about twelve was walking toward him, stone eyes never leaving his. He had on no top, and his pants were dark and ragged. His dark hair blew around, but the boy did not seem to notice the wind. The man leapt forward, hands outstretched, but he missed, and crashed onto the pavement.

The creature laughed a deep and growly laugh and cantered around the assailant. He trotted off, leaving only a chill as the man lay growling. The man looked up to the sky, and glared. His ruby eyes never once blinked as he breathed in the nights disaster.

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