Chapter 5

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Maxwell raised his hand, ready to knock on the old, Gothic, wooden door, when it opened, putting him face to face with Sheryl. He winced. She narrowed her eyes. "Ah, so the lonesome vampire decides to join us yet again...."

Maxwell looked away. "We have a big problem, Sheryl."

She moved aside to let him enter. "Oh yeah? What? Wolf boy make another pup?"

"No..." he said slowly. "There's another vampire here. And he's going to recreate." Sheryl's eyes widened in shock, then narrowed in suspicion. Maxwell went on, "There's more... he said that all the rules have been abandoned now. He said we can also recreate... now was the time to restart the grand beginning for our species..."

"But that's ridiculous. I thought it was way too difficult to sire somebody. Wasn't that why only the elders could do it?"

"Because only they could tell which blood carried the right gene. Whether or not the blood would survive or die... what was he thinking? How many people is he willing to kill before he succeeds?"

"That's not that important, Maxwell. What matters is why he's recreating. And what it means for our family's survival."

Hunter sauntered behind his sister, crouched.

Sheryl turned sharply toward him. "Don't even think about it, bloodsucker!" Hunter straightened up, grinning. "Ugh, you are sooo annoying."

"So what's the problem, sis?"

Sheryl rolled her eyes. "Maxwell says there's another vampire running around making new ones."

"Well lets go kill the bitch."

"But we don't know how this will affect our family yet. We cant just go around killing other vamps. They could be decent allies, shithead."

Hunter raised his hands in defense. "Alriiight. What ever."

"Hunter, go tell the others, I'm going to talk to Maxie here some more."

Hunter departed, and Sheryl grabbed Maxwell's arm, dragging him outside. "What more is there to know?"

"When did this happen? When did he speak to you?"

"Earlier tonight... but Sher, the suns going to rise soon. I need to sleep here."

Sheryl looked Maxwell over and turned. Without saying anything, she opened the door and went back inside. Maxwell followed.

He glanced down at the old red, velvety carpet and a surge of guilt welt up inside him. He had been away from home for way too long...but at least mother was gone now....

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⏰ Last updated: May 05, 2014 ⏰

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