Chapter 3

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So they're still after me. The boy thought. After all these centuries, you'd think they'd have given up already. There is no sense in fighting a losing battle. He smiled wickedly to himself. He ran through the streets, un-phased.

It's been years, he thought to himself. Ian and the others have disappeared, probably dead. Joshi and Isaac were the first to go...its been so long....He slowed his pace, thinking. Then Tara and Miley. Then Dora and Lance. Dead. Murdered without fault. How can I stop fighting when it's the only way I can keep living? They'll kill me too, just because I exist. He laid in the deep green grass, when a gun went off, striking him in the thigh. He cursed and rolled over.

"Come out, come out wherever you are."

Vidia! He peered out from behind a boulder to see the brunette walking lithely in his direction, handgun safely in front of her. The creature bolted to the nearest tree as a string of bullets pelted toward him.

"Here kitty, kitty," She taunted. He held in a growl, crouching low to the floor. He crawled his way away from Vidia but stopped abruptly when he caught scent of another one. The stench was awful. It made his fur prick and his nose wrinkle. The men always smelled stronger. Vince was walking toward him as well, both hands wrapped around his semi automatic pistol. Vince tensed. The creature lunged toward him, catching him off guard. Vidia cursed and shot at him. The creature bolted. He ran back to his cave and rolled to the floor, exhausted and wounded. He grabbed his thigh in both hands and grunted. The pain seared through his entire leg, and up his back. His shoulder burned, too. The boy shook his head. He dragged himself to the back of the cave, dug up a small box, and pulled out a metal object, which he used to dig the bullet out. He sat, gasping, when he froze up again. Every muscle tensed as he fought the transformation.

He shivered. "Marcella." he whispered. She stepped into view on the opposite side of the cave, appearing out of the darkness that wrapped around her.

"Duncan." Her eyes narrowed.

"What do you want Marcella!?" Duncan edged away from her, toward the cave exit.

She only continued to glare at him, stepping closer. He rolled sideways to avoid closing their distance. Marcella grew impatient. She growled and ran at him, grabbing him by his throat. Duncan shivered violently. This thing was touching him, and it took everything he had to stay human.

"I want you to kill someone." she mused. " I want you to get rid of him."

Duncan stared at her, wide eyed in disbelief. She dropped him and turned her back. When he hit the floor he was on all fours. He shook out his fur from head to toe, and growled. He wanted to rip her throat out. Watch her bleed out, watch the color drain from her eyes....He snapped his head to the side and snorted.

He looked up at Marcella and growled, shaking his head low to the floor. Then he whimpered. She only glared at him. "You're going to anyway. If you let him live, things will get out of hand for the both of us."

She paced back and fourth now, seeming to forget Duncan was there. She continued pacing. Duncan crouched down, keeping his eyes on her. "This man," she snapped, "This man, is going to try his hand at a revolution. That may mean the end of us. His being alive may cost my family their life." She paused to look at him and added, "And yours."

Duncan shook his mane and snarled. He didn't like the sound of this. Marcella grabbed the back of his mane and yanked his head back up to look at her. "Look pup, im not giving you a choice. You either kill him, or I kill you." She backed toward the rocky wall she came from, and a fresh breeze blew through the cave, giving Duncan a chance to change back into his human form.

"Why don't you kill the dunce yourself, if it's so important?" He challenged.

"Because," She hissed. "If he's alive, we may not be the only vampires left, as we thought. There may be more that we have yet to find. And if I kill him, I may be punished with my life. And I've lived way too long to give up now. But I'm done explaining myself, dog. If you do it, I may just call off the hunt for you." With that she left. Duncan stared after her.

"The woman's mad." he muttered. Duncan laid down, but he was far from sleep. Thoughts raged through his mind, until he finally decided to go for a run. He whimpered and rolled over. He walked to the entrance of the cave and inhaled. Nothing burned his nose. Nothing made his eyes water or his neck prick. He shook out his fur, and bolted toward the forest.

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