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"Baekhyun" the tall male cooed walking into their shared bedroom. The smaller male was laying on the bed, wearing a smile on his face since it was in fashion these days. "Hey" he croaked out, his eyes squinting from the affection he possessed for the raven haired boy. The bed dipped as Chanyeol pressed his weight on it and intertwining with the dull mood, his smile lifted Baekhyun's eyebrows slightly, his head tilting and his messy ash grey hair peeking up.
  "I brought you some white roses" Chanyeol spoke up, placing them on the table next to the other males bed ever so gently. The grey haired boy slowly lifted his fingers, trying to touch the others hand, and for an instant, they did. He relished in the feeling of his touch, his skin and demeanour one that he could paint an oil painting of. In vain he traced his features from afar, and Chanyeols ears perked up like a puppy. "If ever one day I seem to far for you to reach, remember I'm always here" Chanyeol said pointing to Baekhyuns head. "And if ever one day your smile falters and I'm not their, remember that that is reality". Baekhyun smiling gestured for the boy to continue. " I found love in your eyes and life in your heart and mind. This world of ever progressing thoughts would think of me as a madman, but I'm truthfully infatuated with you and the thought of you" he stated as he took one rose in his hand. "How can you love me so if I keep getting uglier?" Baekhyun questioned, the smile remaining on his lips.
  Chanyeol drew in a breath and plucked a single petal from the rose "Ugly is a deeply misunderstood word, for its use is too excessive and it's meaning too long gone. Ugly is a person, whose facial features are not appealing to the objective eye. But you, Baekhyun, are something beyond fourth grade adjectives. You are the most sublime, statuesque existence I've ever seized to know" Chanyeol boldly stated, taking his time to inch closer to Baekhyun and press a kiss on his rosy lips. Baekhyuns smile intermixed with the kiss and his hands gripped the back of his neck, grabbing his grown out hair and running his fingers through it.

  He'd never witnessed anything so angelic next to Chanyeols soft features and the tall boys fingers tapped one by one on Baekhyuns chest as he smiled at the feel of his hand in his hair. For a moment they stayed like that in peaceful silence until Baekhyun opened his eyes and Chanyeol was gone. His presence replaced with an unproportioned grey wall and his soft bed with a hard mattress. And as Baekhyun stared at the table where the pills were placed instead of the white roses
        His smile faltered.

Chanbaek Angsty One Shots || Chanyeol x Baekhyun - BaekyeolWhere stories live. Discover now