Chapter 24- The reunuion

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Ellington's POV

I have been waiting in the park for half an hour and I'm starting to believe she wasn't coming. Why would she though? I hurt her bad. I left her to deal with the whole pregnancy by herself. I messed up big time. I've had these months to think about it and I really just miss being their friends. I miss R5, I miss Rydel.

After an hour I was about to leave when I saw a shadow making its way towards me.


I quickly got up and walked up to her, helping her make her way towards the bench I was sitting on.

"I'm glad you came." I said, after we had been sitting in silence for about 10 minutes.

"Ell, you messed up." she replied with anger.

"I know I did and I will never forgive myself for that, but I want to be in your life, in your brothers life, in our babies life."

I could see through the darkness that she was getting teary eyed.

"Rydel, please don't cry. Just tell me your decision in a couple days. I want to be here for you."

With that we both stood up. I walked her home in silence. I didn't go home straight away, I kinda just wandered, thinking about how all of this happened. My life was perfect and then all of a sudden it went down hill. I lost all of my best friends, my band mates. Our fans are going mental. They want to know what happened to R5. If we're ever coming back. It didn't help that Riker in followed me on twitter and Instagram, the fans notice these things.

Rydel's POV

I don't know what to do. I want to forgive him but he used me and played me. I don't know if I can trust him.

"Hey Rydel, can I come him?" It was Callie.

"Yeah." I replied with a sigh.

She walked in silently and sat beside me on the bed. Her once pregnant stomach was now gone and she was trying to loose the baby weight.

"I don't know what to do." I said breaking the silence.

"Do you love him? Do you want him in your life?"

"I don't know how I feel, but I want him in my babies life. I don't want my baby to grow up without a father." I preached.

"Forgive him, everyone deserves a second chance." With that she walked out leaving me sitting on my bed thinking of what she had said. Everyone needs a second chance.

Callie's POV

Stormie asked me to come over and talk to Rydel. I walked in and told her she needed to give him a second chance. Everyone makes mistakes as I was on Ellington's side. No matter how much Riker hates it, he was emotional and he sadly used Rydel to help get rid of the pain but he has to remember that we practically did the same thing.

I walked out of the room and walked back down to the living room where Riker and Stormie were sitting talking.

"So Riker and I were talking, and we think that we should go on a family vacation." Stormie said.

"Oh that sounds like so much fun. Where would we be going?"

"Maybe Hawaii, or The Bahamas."

"I've always wanted to go to Hawaii!"I said excitedly.

"The only thing is, we won't have the private jet so we would be flying 2nd class on the plane, with all the babies."

"We can make it work." Riker quickly added so it wouldn't disappoint me.


We were living for the airport in about an hour. I don't really want to go on this vacation but their forcing me. I mean I am 9 months pregnant so this baby could come any second now. I felt slight pressure on my stomach but quickly brushed it off and continued to finish packing.

Everyone made their way down stair with their bags and we all headed for the car.

When we got to the airport we slightly rushed to the plane and took our seats. Everyone but me helped buckle in all the babies and we took our seats. It would take about 6 hours for us to get Hawaii from California.

I had fallen asleep when I woke up with sharp pain in my stomach. When I looked out the window I saw we were over water. It was night time and everyone on the plane was asleep. I quickly woke up the two people beside me who happened to be Riker and my Mom.

"I think this baby is coming." As I said that both their faces dropped.

Riker got up and ran up to a flight attendant to tell them what was going on.

"They don't have a doctor on the plane and there is still about 4 hours left of the flight. Can you hang on that long Rydel?" he asked me.

"I don't know." I said through the pain that had gotten so much worse within the last couple of minutes.

"I just want Ellington."


California Love (A Riker Lynch Fan Fiction)Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon