Fuck (Chapter 5)

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Hey awesome people!

How are you guys doing? Well, sorry for the wait and hope you like this story. 

Sophie xx


Louis' POV 

I'm not in love with Harry Styles. I am not. I forbid myself to be in love with my best mate. It just won't happen. How I wish this were so easy. There is so many complications in this situation! First, there is no way in hell that he likes my back. Second, even if he did, management would never let us be together. Third, we can't risk anything happening to the band, so I am teaching myself to no be in love with Harry Styles. And I will not be. One day. When I am dead. Deep dow, whenever I was with a girl it never felt 100% right, I don't know, something was always missing and now I know what, a penis. Disturbing right, but true. From the first time I introduced Harry to my mother, she always said we would make a cute couple, I used to laugh and continue with my life, now? I want us to be a cute couple, I just do. Sorry if not all our fans wants us to be together, but if it were by me, his clothes would be in the ground. God, I sound like a pervert. A gay pervert. But still a pervert. 

Last night, I had a talk with Liam that got me thinking about my feelings. The weird think is that, I thought IF I had feelings, the guys wouldn't accept this but Liam was always saying "as long as it makes you both happy". That gave me a confortable feeling inside. 

"Lou lou?" Oh that voice, that sweet sexy voice. 

"Yeah, Hazza?" 

And then he flashed me that gorgeuos smile. 

"We have to get going to the MTV interview. Let's go" 

We arrive there about 30 minutes after Harry called me. And let me tell you that builiding was freaking huge! We walked about 15 minutes before arriving to the set where we were doing the interview. It only took a few minutes after that to start the interview. 

"Welcome back to News 4 Teens! Here with us we have the ones and only One Direction!!" screamed the interviewer and then we were on. Let's rock this. I smiled. I always liked doing interviews actually, it was a calm part of our careers. We went and sat down on a red couch. Zayn, Naill, Liam, Me and then Harry. 

"Hey guys! How are you doing this fine evening?" We all said hello back and then Liam answeread her. 

"We are fine, thank you. It's been great." 

After that, she started talking about something, but I couldn't keep up with what she was saying because Harry was with his hand on my tigh the whole time. Damn that boy. Out of sudden, I hear my name get called up. 

"Louis? Are you there?" Shit, I must have been daydreaming. 

"Yeah. Sorry, got caught up in my toughts." I said blushing. 

"It's okay." she said smiling. " We still love you." I hear the crowd nodding and that actually felt nice. "And what may you been thinking about? Maybe someone special?" she said smirking. 

And before I knew it, the words left my mouth. 

"Yeah, someone really special." 

Fuck. I am in deep shit.

"What? Who?" I hear Harry basically scream beside me. FUCK! "How came I didn't know about this, Loubear? I thought we told eachtother about everything?!" 

"Harry, calm down." But he didn't. He seemed to forgot we were in the middle of an interview, and then I looked at the people beside me and saw everybody staring with their mouths open, except Liam who whas giving me a friendly smile, like he was trying to say "everything is going to be okay, I don't know how you are going to get yourself out of this, but it is going to be okay". Okay, maybe he wasn't exactly trying to  say this, but it was something like that. Harry was still wanting for an answear, and the interview had a look in her eyes tha said "this interview is going to have so many views! Sweet" 

And you know what I was saying with my eyes: 

Fuck .


Bye bye guys! 

Hope you liked it 

Sophie xx

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