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~Jesus's P.O.V~

I'm at the holy lake where I'm feeding the ducks with the most beautiful woman I have ever come in contact with. I swear to my father, her smile brightens my day every time I see it. The reason why we came to the lake in the first place is because we've both been quite shook ever since the whole Babe Lincoln incident happened. We just need time to calm down for a bit and enjoy the beautiful place called 'Heaven'. Which is even more beautiful with Rain in it.

Just then, one of my father's tiny angel messengers flies up to me.

"Hello Fred, have you brought a message from my dad? What's up?", I said to the holy messenger.

"Yes, and he doesn't seem so happy..", Fred looked away, "He said he wants you AND Rain in his office immediately."

"Um.. ok", I answer, looking over to Rain. She looks frightened. I am too, my dad has never been angry at me. Well, other than that one time I liked Satan but we've gotten over that.

Me and Rain start following the path to the palace of god. Once we finally enter my dad's office Rain suddenly got really tense, it's like you could feel the negativity in the air. This is going to be bad.

"Dad..?", the chair is turned so you cannot see his face.

"Hello, my son", he turns his chair around and looks at Rain coldly, "Rain."

"Earlier, I was looking through my files when I came across Rain's files..", he paused, " and I found something quite.. interesting."

I look into my father's eyes. They are stone cold, expressionless.

He looks me straight in the eyes "My son... how could you do this?"


He looks back at Rain, "You married a Satanist.."

I feel Rain tense and clutch my arm, turning it purple.

I am speechless, I have nothing to say.

My father sighs, "My son, you know you could not have prevented this from happening..", I see a hint of sadness in his eyes, " You have just made the transition for her much harder than it needed to be.. you have let her see what heaven is like, which has made her want to stay. And you have even gone so far to create a relationship with her, which will absolutely destroy both of you once she goes where she belongs.."


"Rain." my father turns his gaze at her. Tears are filling her eyes from what she knows is about to happen.

this can't be happening!

"I banish you to hell."

Let there be light (Jesus x Satanist)Where stories live. Discover now