Part 28

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*olivias pov*

I couldn't go to sleep at all last night. I was too busy thinking that hayes had kissed another girl WHILE he was dating me. I know it didn't mean anything to him but it ment something to me. I just layed there all night with hayes's arm around my waist while he was in a deep sleep. it was a very nice night last night, that's why we stayed outside on the trampoline. but I still got no sleep. I got up from the trampoline and went up to our room. I grabbed something I shouldn't have, but I grabbed it anyways. it was our scrap book. I need to know if he really loves me. it's only six in the morning and nobody's awake, I should be ok. I went to the secret place we hid it, so nobody would find it. I flipped the the last couple pages and looked at the pictures. I loved them. I turned to the back page. all I got to read was "dear olivia," but then I heard my door open so I threw it back in the spot. I ran over to the door and saw nash. "uh why are you doing up this early?"i said. "Just chillen. I'm an early bird"he said laying down on my bed. "oh cool."i said back. "listen I'm really sorry about last night, I'm not that kinda guy but things just got out of hand."he said. I went over and sat on the bed. "Hey it's ok"i said. he nodded and turned on the tv. I went and sat on the bed with him. he turned on modern family and we started watching it. the show was really funny! this was the episode where Gloria lost her husbands dog,stella, and she couldn't find it so she went a called cam and he was yelling to find the dog.
"STELLLLAAAAAAAA" the tv yelled. me and nash were dying. it was absolutley hilarious. we pretty much watched modern family re-runs until about ten. then we got bored and went downstairs to get food. we grabbed chips,cereal, and a bunch of candy. I looked outside to see hayes still asleep on the trampoline. "man he's a heavy sleeper"nash said laughing. "should we wake him up?"i said. nash nodded and gave me a evil smirk. "what's the plan grier?" I asked smiling. "ok so since he's a VERY heavy sleeper this will be super easy. but you have to go get my vlog camera first." he said. I rolled my eyes and ran upstairs as fast as I could. I grabbed his camera and ran back downstairs and handed it to him. "Ok so I'm gonna go over to the trampoline, pick him up, and throw him in the water while you just press reccord and enjoy the show."he said. "sounds good!" We headed outside and set up the camera. I pressed reccord and we explained what we would be doing. "Ok here we go!"he said and started running towards the trampoline. He picked hayes up and ran off the trampoline and towards the water. he stopped right at the edge of the pool and looked back at the camera and gave a thumbs up. I gave one back and laughed.
"3..2..1.. DROP" he said and with that hayes got dropped into the pool. he came up and he was pissed, like really mad, but it was really funny and me and nash were dying on the floor. I grabbed the camera and ran over to the pool. "NASH WHAT THE HELL IS WRONG WITH YOU WHY WOULD YOU DO THAT?!"he yelled at nash, who was still laughing. "aawwww is wittle hayes upset that he got dropped in the pool"I said making a pouty face. he just stared at me with no emotion. It was the funniest thing I've ever seen, and I got it all on Nash's vlog camera. hayes hopped out of the pool and punched nash in the arm. he walked over to me and tried to give me a hug. "hayes grier I swear to god if you touch me your dead."i said backing away from him. "c'mon I know you want a huggg"he said walking closer and closer to me. I shook my head and ran away. remember I'm still recording all of this. nash ran up behind hayes and picked him up, only to throw him back into the pool. I pressed the stop button, went inside and sat on the couch. one by one, all the guys came downstairs, asking me for food.
"Olivia come here." cam said. I groaned and got up an walked to the kitchen. I walked in and they all had a bowl I front of them. "make us cereal. now." carter said. "so you guys called me all the way from the living room because you want me to make you a bowl of cereal which you and capable of doing yourselves? wow you guys are such lazy asses."i said and walked over to the cabinet. I grabbed all the cereal we had and the milk. I poured the cereal in the bowls and I poured the milk in after. "THANK YOU" they all said. I walked back in the living room to find nash and hayes on Nash's laptop, editing the video to post it on youtube. they were just finishing it when I walked in. "can I see it?" "yeah". I walked over and sat on hayes lap. nash pressed play and we all watched. it was pretty funny actully, and it was really good. "did you like it?" nash asked. "yup it was amazing!" I said. he clicked 'post' and it posted for the whole world to see it. nash got up and went to the kitchen, leaving me and hayes. "what do you want to do today?" he asked."well I'm really tired so let's have a lazy day!" "sounds good, lets go"
He grabbed my hand and lead me to our room. All day we just sat and watched funny movies and enjoyed eachothers company. we tried to make homemade cookies but it didn't go very well. whatever. I had a great day with him and I loved it.


Hi guys I'm super sorry I didn't get to update in the past couple days I was really busy. but tysm for 2.2k reads! it means so much!

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