Chapter Two

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Chapter Two

I shift my hips ever so slightly so that I could see him out of the corner of my eye. For the first time since he dragged me up here, I talk.

“My name is Hope Abernathey,”I state confidently,”and I am not afraid to die.”

With that I jump down and take the knife from his grip, a dangerous move but a smart one just the same. His hands are cold and trembling a

s I rip the blade from his hands. He is now weaponless but still has the size advantage, and it a big advantage. He must be at least six feet tall compaired to my five foot tall stature. Suddenly, I see his youth and will to live. I decide to ask him for information, instead of his death wish. “Why do you want to kill me specificily,” I question,” and are there more of you? Tell me and you might not be killed.” He looks scared, but only for a moment before the malicious girn reappears. He walks towards the edge of the roof and says,

”There are more of us coming. We will hunt you down and kill you and we will not stop until we do. There are hundreds upon thousands in our ranks, and our main goal is to eliminate people like you. You are the people who fear death, and we want you gone.” With that he jumps off and plumets to his death.

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