Chapter 15

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(Lily-Rose's POV)

We carried on walking through the woods. Every now and then Serena would do something really weird as if she was trying to 'be my friend'.

We see a light, and walk towards it. The light shimmers slightly, and is a creamey white colour. When we get closer to it, it disappears and in it's place stands the five weeping angels again. But this time, instead of there hands covering there faces they were out stretched. Doctor said "wait I need everyone to look at an angel each and when I count to three. I would like you to all blink." He then counts "one.... two.... three...." We then close our eyes but then open them straight away. Now the angels have moved forewords and they are very close to us.

"I don't get it why? why would they not move earlier but move now? oh but of course." He said. He then said "It's so simple so easy why didn't I notice this before?" I ask "Emm Doctor what do you mean?" he turns around to look at me and says "well the ones from earlier were decoys. They weren't going to move. They were just there to scare us. To make sure we go into the forest." He then paces on the spot. Serena and I not taking our eyes of the four angels. Wait did I say four...... "Doctor there's only four" I say. He turns around and counts them.

"No there isn't, there are thousands of them and there all coming at us, this isn't somewhere they took over. This is The Planet Of The Angels. now I would say the best thing to do is to run"

"So are you saying that we should run?" asks Serena

"Yes" replies Doctor. At first we all run together as a pack, but then an angel appears in front of us, so we have to make our way around but as we do, we split into two groups. Mum, Dad and Doctor together going one way. Serena and I going the other. We go left and see that we have been cornered by trees. We turn around and there are angels all around us. The next to phrases were said at the same time and they kind of morphed together.

"Where's the Doctor when you need hiiiim" was my phrase and
"Shiiiiiitttttt" was Serena's.

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