Chapter 32

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Serena's POV

This Cyberman was very advanced. Wired trailed through it and into the fog, which I now knew was the source of its power. The Cyberman was made from a compound of metals plating it, but was wooden on the inside. The technology beneath the wood was sealed with deadlock seals. I wondered why it was made from wood.

And I wondered why Lily was being such a bitch. Her mum said she was supposed to be friends with me now.

Oh well.

River came up behind me and said, 'Excuse me, but you should probably leave this to the professionals.'

'Okay, then, pro,' I said sarcastically. 'What do we have to do?'

'Well, give us a minute!' She replied.

'Well, seeing as the professionals don't know yet...' I muttered.

'Excuse me?' Replied River, looking slightly intrigued.

'I already told you what we have to do.'

'And what's that?'

'Implode the mother@&£%ing planet!' I said, and I ran into the fog.

'Wait! What're you doing?' River called after me, following. I could tell that The Doctor, Amy, Rory and Lily were following me.

The fog didn't hurt me. I knew it wouldn't. This part wasn't electrified - it's intention was to mask what laid within.

As we walked deeper and deeper into the fog, I felt it thicken around me. But, as soon as it felt as though the fog was endless, I stopped moving.

'What?' Said Lily, as the others stopped, too.

'Touch the fog.' I said spitefully. The tone she used as she spoke was filled with hatred and annoyance, for no reason.

'Okay...' She said uncertainly, and she reached her hand forwards. The second her hand went inches past my face, she jumped back, jolting upwards.

She gave me a death glare - but it wasn't very menacing.

The Doctor pulled out a device with a green light at the end, and pointed it into the fog. I didn't question it - I'd seen weirder.

'Deadlock seal.' He said. Just like the one on the Cyberman. So that's why - I'm guessing the lighty-uppy-thingy didn't work on deadlock seals.

Seeing as the metal would be harder to destroy, I'm assuming it doesn't work on wood, either. Otherwise the Cybermen wouldn't need it.

'Wheres the electricity coming from?' Said River, looking around.

If there was one thing I learned from all of the crime-solving with Sherlock, it was that there was always an off switch. There was always a way out. Otherwise, criminals could get into a lot of trouble - not just with the law.

In this case, what if the new Cyberman attacked the others? It would be able to, easily. They needed a way of deactivating it.

So, I placed my hand on the electronic field.

'Serena, what're you doing?' Gasped Amy. My face contorted with the pain of the electricity running through my body, as I ran my hand along the field, ignoring the screaming in every fibre in my body, telling me to let go. Once I had found the switch, a chemical would be forced through me, and anyone else who joined, to heal any damage and drain the electricity that could cause us harm. It would just take longer, because I didn't know where it was.

'Oh, I get it,' said River, and she placed her hand next to mine.

The Doctor placed hand next to River's, understanding too. Amy, Rory and Lily looked slightly confused, but they lined up next to me.

Finally, my hand found a bump in the field. Everyone was crying out, so I hit my hand into it, and we all were thrown backwards.

'Come on!' I shouted, getting up and running away, back in the direction of the TARDIS. Everybody followed.

'Why are we running?' Lily gasped from behind me. The Doctor and River had bolted forwards, leading the way.

'I already told you!' Again with the ignorance!

'Well, tell me again!'

'The planet is about to implode!'

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