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(Highschool AU requested by XshadicX and Im_Not_A_Cop )

((Now, this takes place when school is out, but they're still in highschool.))

Tom and Tord were not the greatest friends ever. They bickered and fought, but they still considered themselves friends. They spent the entire school year sitting next to each other at lunch and being partners in science class. Finally, though, today was the final day of the school year, and they would move on to be Seniors. 

"Over the summer, try to remember most of the periodic table, because if I catch you in the hallway next year, I'll ask you to recite it to me," their science teacher babbled. It was the last class of the day, and everyone was so eager to leave. "Also, make sure you return your textbook to me before you lea-"


And school was officially out. Tord followed Tom out the door and down the west hallway, where it was less crowded. Tom pushed open the door and held it for Tord, who muttered, "Thanks." in return. "Guys, I've got a whole list of stuff we can do over the summer!" A kid with a green hoodie beamed, holding a piece of paper in his hand. 

Tord looked a little disappointed, "Sorry, Edd, but I can't."

Edd's cheerful grin disappeared, "Why?"

"I've gotta go up to New Jersey for some summer classes."

Suddenly Edd remembered and pouted like a little kid. He crossed his arms, "Summer classes are stupid, what do you even do in them? It'd be a lot more fun if you hung out with us!"

"I know, but I've already been signed up and everything and classes there cost a lot of money."

Edd knew he couldn't argue, but he wanted all four of them to hang out together over the summer. Tord noticed Edd was looking very upset.

"I'll be back for the last two weeks of summer vacation, though," Tord announced, trying to lighten the mood.

Edd still kept is arms crossed but looked up, "That means Season 3 of Voltron will be up..."

"See, look, there you go. something to look forward to!" Tord responded cheerfully, "I can watch Voltron with you guys when I get back."

"We're gonna watch Power Rangers first!"



"Bye, commie," Tom said, laughing. 

Tord grinned in reply, "Oh, don't act like you won't miss me."

"Eh, I guess things will be a little lonely without you butting in every two seconds," Tom admitted. Tord nudged him with his elbow playfully.

When they both stopped laughing, Tom smiled, "See you in two months, Tord."

Tord grinned back and then quickly pecked Tom on the cheek, leaving Tom stunned.

"I'm gonna miss my ride if I don't leave now, bye Tom," Tord said, waving and walking away, his luggage trailing behind him on wheels.

Tom finally gathered himself and waved back.

'This summer is going to be lonely as fuck.' Tom thought to himself, shaking his head.

((A/N: Ew, um, okay.

I don't really like how this turned out but I don't wanna go back and fix up everything. Also my shitty grammar checker keeping thinking I'm using word usage wrong, in which I'm not.

I'mma go fuck myself, bye.


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