How you met (Tom)

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(A/N: so first of all...I'm new to writing sorry if I suck. Second...this might be really cliché .😂)

You were running to work as you slipped on your green apron. This is your third time being late to were certain you were gonna get fired. You are  an hour late today...that's the latest you've ever been.

As you walked in to Starbucks, you speed walked to the little door that leads to the back of the counter and took your place as cashier. 10  minutes go by,you've taken many people's orders. You were worried because your boss has been glaring at you ever since you walked in. He finally walks up to you and says the worst thing possible.

"(Y/N),you were an hour late today...this is the third time you've been late this week. On top of that you have messed up at least 3 people's orders. I like you...I really do...but I'm gonna have to fire you." Your boss said to you then walked away.

You took off your green apron, threw it on the ground and ran out of Starbucks. You ran and ran bumped into someone. You looked up to see Tom Hiddleston...THE Tom Hiddleston.

'Oh my gosh...I just bumped into Tom Hiddleston! He's dreamier in person.', you thought to yourself. He looked down at you and smiled. You felt your cheeks heat knew you were blushing. You finally decided to break the silence.

"I-I'm so sorry Mr. H-Hiddleston. I didn't mean to bump into you...I wasn't paying attention to where I was going. Please forgive me.", you said in a worried tone. You were afraid he'd be mad at you. He just smiled at you.

"It's all right, I'm fine. You don't have to apologize. Oh and please, call me Tom. Your name is?" He said as he smiled at you. You looked down at the ground and smiled. Tom Hiddleston smiled at you...twice. His smile was truly amazing. You looked up at him and smiled.

"I'm (Y/N), (Y/N) (Y/L/N). It's nice to meet you Tom. By the way, I'm a big fan. You truly are an amazing actor.", You said while smiling at him.

He chuckled. You smiled. He smiled back. You felt your heart pounding in your chest. You hands started sweating. Your breathing started to quicken. Why did he have to do this to you? You always dreamed of meeting him...but you never thought it'd actually happen. He stared into your (E/C) eyes. You stare into his blue eyes. You step closer to him. He blushes. He chuckles and steps closer to you.

"This may sound weird but, I've had a crush on you for years. You're funny, smart, sweet, generous, and", you say to him while blushing. He smiles then he blushes.
He chuckles before he speaks.

"I don't know what to say...thank you. *chuckles* To be completely honest with you I think you are very pretty. Also you are super sweet. I was wondering...would you like to go get coffee with me. I was just heading to Starbucks.", he says to you with a smile on his face. Did Tom Hiddleston just say your pretty and sweet? Wow! You were surprised. And he just asked you to get coffee with him. You smiled at him. He smiled back.

"I-I would love to! That would be great.", you say as you smile at the ground. He chuckles then he starts walking towards Starbucks. You follow him. Your hands brush against each other. You both pull your hands away. You look down at the ground and blush. You catch a quick glance at him. He's already looking at you and smiling. His eyes widen when he notices you caught him staring at you. He quickly looks away and smiles. You look away and smile. (So cheesy😂)

You finally arrive at Starbucks. He opens the door for you. You blush and thank him. He just nods his head and smiles. You walk in. He walks in after you. He walks up to the line. The customer in front of you guys gives the cashier what she owes. Then she gets her change back and a receipt. The cashier thanks the woman and tells her to have a great day. The woman puts her wallet in her purse. Then she walks away. You step up to the counter. Tom follows.

"Hey (Y/N). I'm sorry you got fired.", the cashier, Jimmy, says to you with a sad smile. You look at Jimmy and sadly smile. You look over at Tom, he pats your back and gives you a sad smile. He mouths I'm sorry. You just shrug your shoulders.

"Can I have a grande unicorn frappuccino please. Oh and a chocolate cupcake please.", you tell Jimmy while attempting to give him a huge smile. He grabs a cup and writes your name on it. While he's doing that he asks Tom what he wants. Tom orders a grande java chip frappuccino and a chocolate chip cookie. Jimmy writes Tom's name on his cup. Tom then pays for the stuff, gets his change, then puts his wallet in his pocket. You two find a table in the back. Tom pulls a chair out for you. You thank him and sit down. Then you scoot your chair closer to the table as Tom sits down. He does the same right after you. You look into his blue eyes and smile. He looks into your eyes and smiles back. You stare at each other for what seems like forever.                     (A/n 08-30-20: wow I really wrote this? 😂😂 so cheesy and cliché) 

"Alana...Tom!", you hear one of the baristas say. Tom breaks the eye contact and stands up. He walks over to the counter and grabs your guys' drinks and treats. He walks back and gives you your stuff,you thank him. He just smiles. He sits down.

"So...tell me about yourself.",Tom says to you with a smile. You look at him with a smile. 'Hmm,what do I say?' You think to yourself.
Cliffhanger...dun dun dun. 😂😂
*laughs evilly* 😂😂

Enjoy this wonderful video!😊bye!


(A/N 08-30-20: part 2 coming soon 😊)

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