Chapter 3

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January 28th, 2005

The E.R bustles with noise and movement. Derek's sure he'd never seen a completely dull moment in this vicinity, yet currently he desires for nothing more than that. Residency is a step up from the gruesome work of an intern by a long shot, for sure. Though it doesn't erase the cold hard truth of it all that in all, being a surgical resident still sucks almost as much as being an intern. The attending's still treat the residents with 'kid gloves' and frankly, it's the most frustrating thing in the entire galaxy.

He'd worked his ass off to be here, working, saving lives. The tiresome nights of cramming for the next nerve-jerking exam and the years and years of Grad, Under Grad, and Medical school. Derek would like to think his efforts deserved a little more than the shit he'd been provided as of now. Suturing was a job for the lowest of the surgical food chain. Not for the third year resident who should be performing surgery in an O.R.

He spots Mark Sloan making a beeline to his general vicinity through the corner of his eye. He doesn't miss the wickedly sinister grin preening across his cheeks like a Cheshire Cat either. Derek acquits a single breath and continues to mindlessly stitch of his patients forearm, hoping that if he pretended to be unaware of the man coming toward him, he would pass. It wasn't that Derek didn't like Mark, because he did. Hell, that man was practically his goddamn brother for christ sake. They'd been through everything together, grade school, high school, college, Medical school. They were even doing residency together. Albeit, none of those factors drew away from the cold hard truth of it all that Mark Sloan got on his nerves a lot of the time. He was especially in no mood for small talk about whatever idiotic thing was roaming that mans mind either. Besides the fact Mark virtually only coerced about the women he picked up in the bar the night before, he was fearful his friend of a lifetime would question him on how his first session with the counseling group went.

Derek wasn't seeking on divulging the details of the issue.

"Man, I gotta tell you I just scrubbed in on a rhinoplasty and it was fucking awesome!" Derek jolts as Marks palm makes physical contact with his back. The green eyed monster or envy sifts through his veins as he reminisces over the fact Mark is scrubbing in on multiple surgeries a day whilst he whittles away in the E.R. suturing.

Derek doesn't miss the disapproving glance his patient tosses him at the sound of Mark's foul language either. "Dr. Sloan, how about we keep the colorful vocabulary to a minimum around the patients?" A tight lipped grin creeps across his cheeks as he finishes the stitching of his suture.

He gives a slight nod and clasps his fingers around the woman's palm securely. "I am so sorry, ma'am." Mark apologizes, his tone rich and velvety. "I promise that won't happen again."

Derek feels his stomach coiling watching Mark flirt with the what he presumes to be a middle aged woman. The sight is nauseating at minimum. He he throws his patient a faux grin and indicates her she's good to leave. "Once you put your signature on the sign out sheet by the nurses station, you're good to go." Derek informs, giving her a hand direction toward the nurses station. She grins sweetly and Derek feels vomit conjuring in his throat as he watches Mark wink at the patient.

"You know," Derek sighs, cleaning up his station. "It's surprising they haven't kicked you out of the program yet. I mean, you don't follow any of the rules plus you try and flirt with the patients. Which in my opinion is a tad bit nauseating." His rubber gloves yank off with a snap against his flesh and he disposes of them into the medically waste bin near the trauma room.

Mark snorts and shakes his head. "Shep, they wouldn't fire me for anything. I am the best resident you know." His arm slings around Derek's shoulders, tugging him close as they make their way through the bustling emergency room. "What's got your panties in a twist?" He leans in close. "Are you hungover?"

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